PC-SIG: Essential Home & Business
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Text File
3,445 lines
Using help File operations Menus Search & replace
Adapt features Fonts Merge print Selecting text
Basic editing Footnote & endnotes Mousing around Spacing
Box operations Formatting Pagination Spell check
Characters Going places Paragraphs Thesaurus
Copy/move text Headers & footers Printing Tools
Customize Insert Problem solving Undo
Deleting text Layout Recording keys Window operations
Editing keys Margins & tabs Screen display Support services
While editing, press Alt H C (or F1 F1) for help related to text at cursor.
For example, if cursor is on a special character, you get help about it.
Or, if you're in the middle of an editing task, the related topic displays.
To ignore context, and just display Index of topics, press Alt H I instead.
At menus, press Shf-F1 at any item to view a brief hint. See <Top lines>
Or, press F1 to view help screen for that item, which gives more details.
Use the PgDn and PgUp keys to scroll a long help screen, like this one.
Shifted PgDn and PgUp keys scroll a screenfull at once.
At the Index, use Arrow keys to highlight a topic (trigger).
Then press the Enter key to jump to screen for that topic (target).
To exit Help and return to editing, press Esc.
Subtopics sometimes display in a list on first page of topic.
Highlight items using Right or Left Arrow, press Enter to jump to subtopic.
Cross references allow you to jump to related topics in help screen.
Use Right or Left Arrow to highlight the next or prior cross reference
Example: See <BASIC EDITING>
then press Enter to jump to topic.
Jump to Index by pressing Home.
Jump to first page of topic by pressing Ctl-PgUp.
Jump to prior topic by pressing Ctl-PgUp when at first page.
Jump to next topic page by pressing Ctl-PgDn.
Keystroke format
Alt L M P means press and release the Alt key then L then M then P.
Shf-Ctl-Enter means press and hold Shf and Ctl while pressing Enter.
F1 F3 means press F1 then press F3.
Alt-F2 F3 means press and hold Alt, press F2, release Alt then press F3.
Up/DnArrow means press Up Arrow or Down Arrow.
The instructions in these Help screens are for any computer. Most prompts on
these screens use the generic "filename" in place of an actual filename.
Place a disk drive specification, like "A:", or pathname, like "\pcw\" in
front of a filename if necessary. For instance if a file is on the disk in
the B drive, type "B:filename"; if a file is in the subdirectory \pcw\doc on
your hard disk, type "C:\pcw\doc\filename".
If you don't have as much room on your disk as the file you are editing, you
may be asked to save your file before loading help. You can avoid getting
this message by deleting files you no longer need to create more space.
Adopt a feature
Add a feature to your profile from help screen. When a topic has double bars
on left edge of viewing window, it means that feature is not in your current
profile. Press F9 to add the feature. See <Set profile>
Press Alt H T (or Ctl-F1) to view lessons about PC-Write. Read and practice
any lessons (or just browse them) and exit at any time. Use same keys as
available in help screen to scroll or jump. See <USING HELP>
With tutorial on screen, press Ctl-F1 to return to your practice file.
Tutorial screen remains displayed for your reference. Scroll tutorial text
with Shf-PgDn or Shf-PgUp. Jump back to tutorial window by pressing Ctl-F1.
Quit tutorial with Esc in tutorial window, or Ctl-F1 Esc from practice file.
To print tutorial, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Help on a floppy system
If you're loading help or the tutorial on a floppy drive system, you may
have to remove your document disk from the drive in order to insert the help
disk. Be sure to reinsert your document disk before leaving help/tutorial.
Add or drop features from menus to tailor PC-Write to your needs. Menu
topics for which no features are available in current profile say 'None'.
Set profile
Using pull-down menu:
1. Press Alt A P then select feature set to adapt.
2. Spacebar scrolls between core/basic/standard level.
This method adds all features at the level selected, and removes any that
are at a level higher than you picked.
Using help:
1. Move with Up or Down Arrow key to line with feature desired.
2. Press F9 to adopt the feature.
This method adds the feature, along with all features in this set at the
same level as the feature just adopted.
Choose any or all of 12 feature sets to modify:
FILE feature set
Core level See <FILE OPERATIONS>
Exit Closes document, exits PC-Write program
Save Writes document to disk
Undo changes Clears any changes made since last Save
F- Basic level See <FILE OPERATIONS>
F- Open/create Closes current document, opens or creates another one
F- List & open Lists files in directory and lets you pick one to open
F- New name Changes the name of file displayed (current file)
F= Standard level See <FILE OPERATIONS>
F= Convert Import file not in current PC-Write format
F= Ex. Old PC-Write, Wordstar, WordPerfect, DCA
F= Export file to another format
F= Ex. Hard or Soft ASCII, WordPerfect, DCA
F= Manage Copy file, erase file, or rename file on disk
F= DOS Shell to DOS, execute DOS command
EDIT feature set
Delete text Delete word, line, or character
Push/Over mode Change between pushright typing or overtyping
Box characters Draw boxes with single or double lines
Accent key Enter characters with foreign inflections
E- Select text Mark word, line, block, sentence, paragraph, document
E- Move text Move selected text to another location in file
E- Copy text Copy selected text to cursor
E- Delete text Delete selected text
E- Undo Undelete, uncopy, or unmove selected text
E- File insert Insert all text of another file at cursor
E- Hold transfer Copy selected text in another file to current file
E= Box select Mark rectangular areas of text to move/copy/delete
E= Frame text Draw single or double line frame around selected box
E= Copy to file Copy selected text to another file, replacing contents
E= Append to file Copy selected text to the end of another file
E= Insert date Insert the current date at cursor
E= Letter case Change to/from upper/lower case for character (or marked)
E= Transpose Move character left or right
SEARCH feature set
Core level See <CURSOR MOVES>
Cursor moves Jump to word, line, screen, or file boundaries
Scroll text Scroll text by screenful or line using keys or mouse
S- Find text Search for text you specify
S- Replace text Replace found text with different text you specify
S- F6 wild card Find any symbol or blank
S- Location Move cursor to line or column in file, or line on page
S- Jump Jump to next/prior paragraph or page boundary
S= Standard level See <SEARCH & REPLACE>, <GOING PLACES>
S= Wild cards Find any letter, number, character, line boundary,
S= special font, or use current find or marked text
S= Replace all Replace all matching occurrences from cursor forward
S= Everywhere Global replace of all occurrences in document
S= Selected text Replace any occurrences within selected text
S= Unreplace Restore previously replaced occurrence with find text
S= Swap find Switch the find text with the replace text
S= Bookmark Set place in file to return to
S= Go to sentence Jump to next or prior sentence
S= Jump to last Jump to last place in document
S= Jump non-ASCII Jump to next non-ASCII character in file
S= Match pair Search for next matching pair of symbol at cursor
PRINT feature set
Core level See <PRINTING>
All pages Print all pages of document
P- Basic level See <PRINTING>
P- Range of pages Print single page or range of pages
P- View Preview pages of document on screen before printing
P= Standard level See <PRINTING>
P= Multiple copies Set number of copies to print
P= Feed method Set tractor, single sheet, or bin/tray feed
P= Output file Print to file on disk
P= Read def file Read settings defined in print control file
P= Link def file Assign print control file to document
MERGE feature set
Core level
M- Basic level
M- (none)
M= Standard level See <MERGE PRINT>
M= Input/output Simple merge of data file and document to printer
M= Trial Merge sample record to check how it looks
M= One record Merge one record to printer
M= All records Merge and print all records
TOOL feature set
Core level
T- Basic level See <TOOLS>, <SPELL CHECK>
T- Spell check word Check spelling of word at cursor
T- Spell scan Find next/prior word not in master dictionary
T- Spell autocheck Check spelling of words as you type
T- Spell guess View correctly spelled alternates of misspelled word
T- Word count Count number of words in document or selected text
T= Standard level See <THESAURUS>, <SPELL CHECK>, <TOOLS>
T= Thesaurus Look up alternate word with similar/opposite meaning
T= Spell add word Add word to user dictionary
T= Spell skip word Ignore this word during spell check
T= Spell catch word Catch this word as misspelled, even if in dictionary
T= Tabs to spaces Expand tab characters to spaces per ruler tab stops
T= Spaces to tabs Convert leading spaces to tab characters
T= End space trim Trim trailing blank space at end of lines
T= Line end fix Fix line boundaries to be carriage return + line feed
ADAPT feature set
Core level See <ADAPT FEATURES>
Profiles Change level of individual feature sets
All features on Turn on all features, override profile
Customize Run Customizer program to change permanent settings
A- Basic level
A- (none)
A= Save profile Write profile settings to edit control file (ED.DEF)
A= Read def file Read settings defined in edit or print control file
A= Key macros Record and playback keystrokes, turn numbers mode on/off
VIEW feature set
Core level See <SCREEN DISPLAY>
Top lines Turn display of Status/Menu/Ruler/Hint lines on/off
V- Basic level See <SCREEN DISPLAY>
V- Hide/show codes Turn display of formatting codes on/off
V= Standard level See <WINDOW OPERATIONS>
V= Open window Split screen, display same file or another file
V= Pick window Move cursor to another window above/below current one
V= Close window Close the current window
V= Expand window Expand the current window by closing another one
V= Zoom mode Fill screen with current window, keeping others open
LAYOUT feature sets
MARGIN feature set
Core level
N- Page margins Top, bottom, left, right margins
N- Sheet size Page length and width
N- Ragged right Paragraphs line up evenly on left edge only
N- Justify Space paragraphs evenly between left and right margin
N- ASCII center Center line or marked text, no proportional formatting
N- Indent Indent paragraph left/right sides and/or first line
N- Reformat Rewrap lines in paragraph or document
N- Wordwrap mode Turn wordwrap on/off, temporarily
N- Auto-ref mode Turn auto-reformat on/off, temporarily
N- Control reformat Insert command to turn reformat ability on/off
N- Tab stops Set tab stops at equal distances
N- Inch/Cm units Measurement values in inches/centimeters for commands
N= Top margin page 1 Set extra (+/-) top margin for first page only
N= Center text Center text between margins, any font
N= Flush right Force paragraphs right, line up evenly on right edge
N= Spring text Force text to left and right from spring points
N= ASCII ragged Ragged right line or marked lines
N= ASCII justify Justify lines using spaces, not micro-spaces
N= ASCII flush Flush right lines using spaces, not micro-spaces
N= ASCII spring Spring text from cursor using spaces, not micro-spaces
N= Left outlines Floating paragraphs with first line indent/outdent
N= Auto-ref control Insert command to force automatic reformat
N= Break paragraph Insert end of paragraph character
N= Soft/hard space Microspace character or no-break space between words
N= Soft/hard hyphen Conditional hyphen, no-break hyphen
N= Align text Insert command to position text when printed
N= Slide text Slide line or selected text left/right on screen
N= Use ruler Display/edit indent, tab stops, and ruler spacing value
N= Measurement units Command values in points, sixths, ruler spacing units
SPACE/FONT feature set
Core level
G- Basic level See <SPACING>, <FONTS>
G- Multiple spacing Single, double, triple space lines when printed
G- Size Set width of characters, fixed width only
G- Typeface Set style of characters
G- Effect Set underline or boldface
G- Letters at cursor Insert font character pair around cursor
G- Document Insert Guideline at top of document to set font
G= Standard level See <SPACING>, <FONTS>
G= Size Set width/height of characters, variable or fixed width
G= Effect Set double underline, superscript, or subscript
G= Begin this line Insert Guideline to turn font on/off
G= Header/footer Set font for header and footer lines
G= Line height Set number of lines per inch for text/blank lines
G= Downloaded fonts Use font definitions from file downloaded to printer
REFERENCE feature set
Core level
R- Basic level See <HEADERS & FOOTERS>
R- Header Page number at top of page, centered or flush right
R- Footer Page number at bottom of page, centered or flush right
R= Header Define multiple header lines
R= Footer Define multiple footer lines
R= Head/foot format Put text/number/date/time/filename to left/center/right
R= Suppress Suppress printing of header/footer for this page
R= Comment line Insert non-printing comment line
R= Footnotes Insert Guidelines to make selected text a footnote
R= Endnotes Insert Guidelines to make selected text an endnote
R= Note spacing Set line height of footnotes and endnotes
R= Footnote fence Separator between notes and text: bar or blank line
R= Update references Move endnotes to end of document
R= Auto-number Insert sequence: 1 or 1. or 1: or (1) or superscript 1
R= Update sequence Resequence document numbers after making changes
PAGING feature set
Core level
Q- Basic level See <PAGINATION>
Q- Auto-paging Automatically insert/adjust page breaks when editing
Q- Document Insert/update page breaks for whole document
Q- Remove breaks Delete all page break lines
Q- Hard Break Insert explicit page break, does not adjust upon repage
Q= Standard level See <PAGINATION>
Q= By page Repaginate page by page, adjusting page break locations
Q= Set page number Change page number beginning with this page
Q= Soft Break Insert explicit page break, adjusts upon repage
A=Save profile
A=Alt A S saves the current settings for all feature sets. Settings are stored
A=permanently until you change and save them again later. If you do not save
A=your profile, features added or dropped during current edit session are not
A=remembered next time you use PC-Write.
A=Profile settings are saved in your edit control file, ED.DEF. You can save
A=them in a different file by retyping the control filename upon saving.
All features on
Alt A A (or Alt-F6 F4) turns all features on for the current edit session.
All feature sets are temporarily updated to the highest level. This does not
change your profile, however. See <Set profile>. On the pull-down menus,
features not in your profile that are just temporarily 'on' show a double
bar to the left of the item. Use this function to quickly access an
infrequently needed feature you've purposely left out of your profile. To
turn off the extra features, press Alt A A (or Alt-F6 F4) again.
File overview
Moving around
Entering text
Working modes
Switching files
Save & exit
1. Create or open a file A>ED filename <Enter>
or via opening menu A>ED <Enter> then F6 Enter
2. Enter text type on keyboard
3. Save the text to disk Press Alt F S (or F1 F3)
4. Edit the text Bksp, Del, Ins
5. Print the file Press Alt P A (or F1 F7)
6. Save the file, exit Press Alt F E (or F1 F2)
Up and Down Arrow keys Move one line at a time
Left and Right Arrow keys Move left/right one space at a time
Shf-Up and Down Arrows Move to top/bottom of screen
Shf-Left and Right Arrows Move to left/right edges of screen
Ctl-Left and Right Arrows Move to start of previous/next word
Shf-Grey+ and Grey- Jump to top/bottom of file
PgUp and PgDn Scroll text down/up one line
Shf-PgUp and PgDn Scroll by one screen of text (24 lines)
Ctl-PgUp and PgDn Scroll by page
Shf-Ctl-PgUp and PgDn Scroll by paragraph
Home Move to left margin/indent
End Move to end of line after last character
For mouse moves, see <MOUSING AROUND>.
To change what some movement keys do, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
ENTERING TEXT Press Top line reads
letters and numbers letter or number keys (normal)
special characters key, Accent key (~), key ACCENT
characters by code Alt plus keypad number keys (normal)
push existing text right Alt E P (or Scroll Lock) Push
overwrite existing text Alt E O (or Scroll Lock) Over
type all capital letters Caps Lock (on/off) PUSH/OVER
E=Letter case/transpose
E=Upper/lower case Alt E L S (or F8)
E=To upper case Alt E L U (or Alt-F8)
E=Transpose left Shf-Bksp
E=Transpose right Shf-Esc
To assign alternate keys for transpose, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
To enter special hyphens and spaces, see <HYPHENS & SPACES>.
To insert current date in your document, see <INSERT>.
To change the look of text, see <FORMATTING>, <LAYOUT>.
These settings are temporary. To set modes permanently, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Typing mode
Push existing text right Alt E P (or Scroll Lock) Push
Overwrite existing text Alt E O (or Scroll Lock) Over
V-Display codes Press Top line reads
V-Hide formatting codes Alt V H (or Alt-Spacebar) R:F
V-Show formatting codes Alt V S (or Alt-Spacebar) r:f
Automatic modes
N-Wrap text at end of line Alt L M R W (or Shf-F7) Wrap+
N-Rewrap text after editing Alt L M R A (or Shf-F7) Para+
Q-Insert/show page breaks Alt L P A (or Alt-F7 F3) Wrap# or Para#
T-Spell check as you type Alt T S A (or Alt-F2 F7) Se+ or Sp+
Watch Top line for information about current editing status and modes.
See <Status line>
F-You don't have to exit PC-Write to change to another document.
F-Switch to another by typing filename Alt F O (or F1 F6)
F-Switch to another by picking name from list Alt F L (or F1 F6 F8 Enter)
Save file in memory to disk Alt F S (or F1 F3)
Undo changes since last save Alt F U (or F1 F9 F6 F10)
Exit program, save file Alt F E (or F1 F2)
Exit program, don't save Alt F U then Alt F E (or F1 F9 F2)
F=Retain file, to DOS shell Alt F D S (or F1 F4)
To set automatic save by time passed or characters typed, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
E=You can move/copy/delete, frame, and search & replace text in a rectangular
E=area. First you must select the text by boxing with Alt E B B (or Ctl-F7).
Please note:
* Box moves and copies overwrite existing text or spaces.
If you're about to overwrite text, you get a warning.
If you're moving or copying, first clear the target area.
* Some box operations first freeze box size, creating BOXED mode.
* Boxing text puts screen in Hide mode. See <Hide/Show codes>
You can go to Show mode with Alt V S, but Hide mode works better.
* To remove extra spaces left by a box moved from the end of lines,
press Alt T C E. See <Convert>
E=Drawing a frame
E=Begin frame drawing with text selected in Boxing or Boxed mode.
E=Be sure to box an area one space wider/longer than text to allow for frame.
E=│ Single frame │ Alt E B F S (or Ctl-F9 F3)
E=║ Double frame ║ Alt E B F D (or Ctl-F9 F2)
E=| ASCII frame | Alt E B F A (or Ctl-F9 F4)
E= Remove frame Alt E B F R (or Ctl-F9 F5)
E=Use ASCII frame when your printer does not have box characters available.
To do your own box drawing and shading, see <CHARACTERS>.
E=Other operations you can do in Boxing Mode:
E=Set BOXED mode, cursor to upper left Alt E B B (or Ctl-F7)
E=In BOXED mode, Copy box Alt E C (or F3)
E=In BOXED mode, Move box Alt E M (or F6)
E=Delete box Alt E D (or F4)
E=Go to upper left of moved/deleted box Shf-Ctl-End
E=Undelete a just-deleted box, with Alt E B B then Alt E U D
E= cursor at upper left corner (or Ctl-F7 then Ctl-F4)
E=Undo box copy, with text still boxed Alt E U C (or F4 F4)
E=Undo box move, with text still boxed Alt E U M (or Shf-Ctl-End then F6)
E=Insert a file as a box Alt E B B then Alt E F I
E= (or Ctl-F7 then Ctl-F3)
E=Copy a box to another file Ctl-F6 See <Copying To a File>
N=Slide box text right or left Alt L R A R/L (or Shf-Ins/Del)
E=Repeat replace within box Alt S R S (or Alt-F10 F9)
E=Change font characters within box Alt L F L
If you have a Marked or Boxed area and use an operation that applies to
whole file, not just the marked or boxed part, you get a warning.
Box drawing
Foreign characters
Math symbols
Hyphens & spaces
Character codes
To enter font characters, see <FONTS>
BOX DRAWING characters: For Framing feature, See <Drawing a frame>
═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══
Q ║ W ║ E ║ R ║ ║ U ║ I ║ O ║ P ║║ Q ║ W ║ E ║ R ║ ║ U ║ I ║ O ║ P
┌ ║ ┬ ║ ┐ ║ │ ║ ║ ╓ ║ ╥ ║ ╖ ║ ▓ ║║ ╔ ║ ╦ ║ ╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╒ ║ ╤ ║ ╕ ║ █
║ A ║ S ║ D ║ F ║ G ║ H ║ J ║ K ║ L ║ ║ A ║ S ║ D ║ F ║ G ║ H ║ J ║ K ║ L ║
║ ├ ║ ┼ ║ ┤ ║«─ ║ ─»║ ╟ ║ ╫ ║ ╢ ║ ░ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ╬ ║ ╣ ║«═ ║ ═»║ ╞ ║ ╪ ║ ╡ ║ ▒ ║
╚═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═══╝ ╚═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═══╝
║ Z ║ X ║ C ║ V ║ B ║ N ║ M ║ ║ Z ║ X ║ C ║ V ║ B ║ N ║ M ║
║ └ ║ ┴ ║ ┘ ║ │ ║ ╙ ║ ╨ ║ ╜ ║ ║ ╚ ║ ╩ ║ ╝ ║ ║ ║ ╘ ║ ╧ ║ ╛ ║
╚═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╝ ╚═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╝
Press Shf and Alt keys plus letter. Press Shf and Ctl keys plus letter.
Be sure your typing mode is set to Overwrite. See <Typing mode>
FOREIGN CHARACTERS: Press first key, then Accent Key (~), then second key
('Acc' is Accent key)
a Acc " ä │ a Acc ` à │ a Acc ^ â │ o Acc a å
A Acc " Ä │ e Acc ` è │ e Acc ^ ê │ A Acc o Å
e Acc " ë │ i Acc ` ì │ i Acc ^ î │
i Acc " ï │ o Acc ` ò │ o Acc ^ ô │ a Acc _ ª
o Acc " ö │ u Acc ` ù │ u Acc ^ û │ o Acc _ º
O Acc " Ö │ │ │
u Acc " ü │ a Acc ' á │ c Acc , ç │ c Acc / ¢
U Acc " Ü │ E Acc ' É │ C Acc , Ç │ - Acc L £
y Acc " ÿ │ e Acc ' é │ n Acc ~ ñ │ = Acc Y ¥
│ i Acc ' í │ N Acc ~ Ñ │ t Acc P ₧
a Acc e æ │ o Acc ' ó │ ? Acc ? ¿ │ - Acc f ƒ
A Acc E Æ │ u Acc ' ú │ ! Acc ! ¡ │
MATH SYMBOLS: Press first key, then Accent Key (~), then second key.
('Acc' is Accent key)
1 Acc ` ░ │ a Acc / α │ d Acc / δ │ ) Acc ` ⌡
2 Acc ` ▒ │ b Acc / ß │ f Acc / φ │ 1 Acc 2 ½
3 Acc ` ▓ │ g Acc / Γ │ e Acc / ε │ 1 Acc 4 ¼
4 Acc ` █ │ p Acc / π │ ! Acc ` ⁿ │ : Acc ` ÷
5 Acc ` ▄ │ S Acc / Σ │ # Acc ` ■ │ / Acc ` √
6 Acc ` ▌ │ s Acc / σ │ $ Acc ` ∞ │ + Acc ` ±
7 Acc ` ▐ │ m Acc / µ │ % Acc ` ° │ . Acc ` ∙
8 Acc ` ▀ │ t Acc / τ │ ^ Acc ` ∩ │ = Acc ` ≡
│ F Acc / Φ │ & Acc ` · │ ~ Acc ` ≈
[ Acc ` ⌐ │ h Acc / Θ │ * Acc ` ² │ > Acc ` ≥
] Acc ` ¬ │ M Acc / Ω │ ( Acc ` ⌠ │ < Acc ` ≤
Normal hyphen Hyphen (- key)
N=Hard Hyphen (÷) Ctl-Hyphen (keeps words together)
N=Soft Hyphen ( ) Shf-Ctl-Hyphen (conditional at end of line)
Normal space Spacebar
Space at right Ins
N=Repeated spaces Shf-Ins See <Sliding text>
Spaces to tab Ctl-I (pushes text at cursor to next tab)
N=Hard Space (·) Ctl-Space (keeps words together)
N=Soft Space Shf-Ctl-Space (used in formatting)
To assign alternate keys for inserting hyphens and spaces, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Note: If cursor is on a special hyphen or space when you ask for context-
sensitive help, this screen displays to help you identify the character.
To insert character by code number, press and hold Alt key, then type code
on numeric keypad, then release Alt key.
Font characters - codes 000-031
Note: If cursor is on a font character when you ask for context-sensitive
help, this screen displays to help you identify the character. See <FONTS>
014 Alt-A Align font See <Alignment>
002 Alt-B Bold
006 Alt-C Compressed
016 Alt-D Double
003 Alt-E Elite
028 Alt-F Fast
011 ** Alt-G Guide line See <Dot lines>
024 Alt-H Higher (superscript)
021 Alt-I Italic
008 Alt-J J font
020 Alt-K Keep paragraph font See <Break paragraph>
025 Alt-L Lower (subscript)
007 Alt-M M font
017 Alt-N Number font See <Auto-numbering>
019 Alt-O Overstrike
005 Alt-P Pica
022 Alt-Q Q font
030 Alt-R R font
001 Alt-S Second strike
012 ** Shf-Alt-T Top of page See <Inserting breaks>
023 Alt-U Underline
004 Alt-V V font
018 Alt-W W, Double underline
013 Alt-X X font (Carriage return)
031 Alt-Y Y font
015 Alt-Z Z font (Hard page break)
Not used: 0, Tab 9, Line Boundary 10, End of File 26, Esc 27, Soft Hyphen 29
** (cannot show character)
ASCII characters - codes 032-127
032 space│048 0 │064 @ │080 P │096 ` │112 p
033 ! │049 1 │065 A │081 Q │097 a │113 q
034 " │050 2 │066 B │082 R │098 b │114 r
035 # │051 3 │067 C │083 S │099 c │115 s
036 $ │052 4 │068 D │084 T │100 d │116 t
037 % │053 5 │069 E │085 U │101 e │117 u
038 & │054 6 │070 F │086 V │102 f │118 v
039 ' │055 7 │071 G │087 W │103 g │119 w
040 ( │056 8 │072 H │088 X │104 h │120 x
041 ) │057 9 │073 I │089 Y │105 i │121 y
042 * │058 : │074 J │090 Z │106 j │122 z
043 + │059 ; │075 K │091 [ │107 k │123 {
044 , │060 < │076 L │092 \ │108 l │124 |
045 - │061 = │077 M │093 ] │109 m │125 }
046 . │062 > │078 N │094 ^ │110 n │126 ~
047 / │063 ? │079 O │095 _ │111 o │127
Extended Characters - codes 128-255
For keystrokes using Accent key, see <FOREIGN CHARACTERS>, <MATH SYMBOLS>
128 Ç │150 û │171 ½ │193 ┴ │215 ╫ │237 φ
129 ü │151 ù │172 ¼ │194 ┬ │216 ╪ │238 ε
130 é │152 ÿ │173 ¡ │195 ├ │217 ┘ │239 ∩
131 â │153 Ö │174 « │196 ─ │218 ┌ │240 ≡
132 ä │154 Ü │175 » │197 ┼ │219 █ │241 ±
133 à │155 ¢ │176 ░ │198 ╞ │220 ▄ │242 ≥
134 å │156 £ │177 ▒ │199 ╟ │221 ▌ │243 ≤
135 ç │157 ¥ │178 ▓ │200 ╚ │222 ▐ │244 ⌠
136 ê │158 ₧ │179 │ │201 ╔ │223 ▀ │245 ⌡
137 ë │159 ƒ │180 ┤ │202 ╩ │224 α │246 ÷
138 è │160 á │181 ╡ │203 ╦ │225 ß │247 ≈
139 ï │161 í │182 ╢ │204 ╠ │226 Γ │248 °
140 î │162 ó │183 ╖ │205 ═ │227 π │249 ∙
141 ì │163 ú │184 ╕ │206 ╬ │228 Σ │250 ·
142 Ä │164 ñ │185 ╣ │207 ╧ │229 σ │251 √
143 Å │165 Ñ │186 ║ │208 ╨ │230 µ │252 ⁿ
144 É │166 ª │187 ╗ │209 ╤ │231 τ │253 ²
145 æ │167 º │188 ╝ │210 ╥ │232 Φ │254 ■
146 Æ │168 ¿ │189 ╜ │211 ╙ │233 Θ │255
147 ô │169 ⌐ │190 ╛ │212 ╘ │234 Ω │
148 ö │170 ¬ │191 ┐ │213 ╒ │235 δ │
149 ò │ │192 └ │214 ╓ │236 ∞ │
PC-Write reserved characters: Hard Hyphen 246, Soft/hard space 249/250
E-Moving Within a File Using menus
E-1. Start marking text with F6. Alt E S M
E-2. Move cursor, end marking with F6. end with Alt E S M
E-3. Move cursor to new location.
E-4. Press F6 to move marked text. Alt E M
E-5. Press F5 to remove highlighting. Alt E T
For marking shortcuts or marking a rectangular area, See <SELECTING TEXT>.
E-Undo move
E-With moved text still selected, press Alt E U M (or Shf-Ctl-End, F6) to move
E-text back to original position.
To slide text left or right, see <Sliding text>.
E=Moving Characters: transpose character left/right with Shf-Bksp/Shf-Esc.
E-Copying Within a File Using menus
E-1. Start marking text with F3 (or F6). Alt E S M or W or L or S or P
E-2. Move cursor, end marking with F3. end with Alt E S M
E-3. Move cursor to new location.
E-4. Press F3 to copy marked text. Alt E C
E-5. Press F5 to remove highlighting. Alt E T
For marking shortcuts or marking a rectangular area, see <SELECTING TEXT>.
E-Undo copy
E-With copied text still selected, press Alt E U C (or F4 F4) to erase it.
Do the same kind of copying or moving with boxed text. See <BOX OPERATIONS>
For selecting text with a mouse, see <MOUSING AROUND>.
E-If copying causes your file to grow large enough to no longer fit in your
E-available memory space, you may get a message saying 'memory full'. You are
E-given the option to copy as much as will fit, or cancel the copy entirely.
E-When memory gets this full, you might want to start a new file, or, if
E-possible, free up memory space by removing memory resident programs.
E=Copying To a File : stay in this file, append to or replace another file
E= Using menus
E=1. Start marking text with Ctl-F6 (or F6). Alt E S M or W or L or S or P
E= Or start boxing with Ctl-F7. Alt E B B
E=2. Highlight text then press Ctl-F6.
E=3. Type in filename, press Enter. Alt E F C replaces existing file
E=4. If file exists, respond to prompt with or Alt E F A adds to end of file
E= F9 to write over contents of file, or Type in filename, press Enter.
E= F10 to add copy to end instead
E=Using the F9 or Alt E F C option, if the file you are writing over exists,
E=you are asked to confirm irreversibly replacing all contents of that file.
E-Copying To a File : select text, switch to other file, insert at cursor
E- Using menus
E-1. Start marking with F3 or F6. Alt E S M or W or L or S or P
E= Or start boxing with Ctl-F7. Alt E B B
E-2. Move cursor to highlight text.
E-3. Press F1 F6 to switch files. Alt F O
E-4. Type filename, then press Enter.
E-5. Marked or boxed text is in hold area.
E- Status line says Holding.
E-6. Press F3 or F6 or Ctl-F4 to insert. Alt E H T
E- If boxing, use Ctl-F7 then F3. Alt E B B then Alt E H T
E-7. Press F5 to remove highlighting. Alt E T
To copy text between windows, see <WINDOW OPERATIONS>.
E-Copy from a File : insert entire contents of another file into current file
E-1. Locate cursor at insert point.
E-2. Press Alt E F I (or Ctl-F3).
E= For box mode, use Alt E B B then Alt E F I (or Ctl-F7 then Ctl-F3).
E-3. Type filename, press Enter.
To write a copy of your current file to another file, see <MANAGING FILES>.
Many functions set while editing are only temporary, and reset to program
default values when you exit PC-Write. Customizing sets functions perma
nently by writing changes to your edit control file. See <Control files>
Alt A C (or Alt-F6 F5) loads the Customizer. View and change permanent
settings, then exit Customizer with or without saving changes. Saved changes
take effect immediately upon returning to your document.
Customizer options
Configure printer
create/modify printer file
change printer type, port, horizontal spacing
print test sheets
Print documentation
Tutorial, Manual Addenda
Core, Basic, Standard levels
Editing Options
typing mode, font display, automatic spell check
automatic pagination, paragraph reformat, sentence spacing
top lines, menu bar key
date format, decimal tab character, IBM code page
Screen Display
color on/off, fix snow/flicker, override monitor/cursor, DOS 5.0 idle call
video mode, spacing on screen, status line length, visual/audible beep
colors/shades for: text, menus, top lines, Help, and fonts
look of page breaks, Ruler cursor, end-of-line character, end-of-file bar
window bar and Ruler bar characters
Keyboard Options
keyboard type, sticky Ctl/Shf/Alt key, quick compatibility, keyboard reset
key repeat rate, catch type ahead
mouse: button assignments, look of cursor, cursor fade
mouse: sensitivity, double-click delay, double speed threshold
key assignments for scrolling, moving horizontally
Tab & Enter key functions, Quick phrase keys, Quick print key
alternate assignments for soft/hard hyphens, transpose, Hide/Show mode
File Handling
save interval: time or typed character save (automatic or reminder)
backups: on entry, on exit, secondary, location
document files: filename extension, location, custom file settings
conversions: read/write ^Z, fix line ends, expand tabs
hardware system check
Control files
PC-Write uses special commands in the edit control file, ED.DEF, to adapt
and customize itself to your needs. Commands may be Guide lines, key
redefinitions, macros, or lines beginning with a %, !, &, #, or * symbol.
A=Alt A R (or Alt-F6 F6) reads a different edit control file temporarily.
A=This control file remains in effect until another is read, or you exit
If there is an error in a control file, a message displays when it's read
(e.g. upon opening a file). You can cancel reading rest of control file by
pressing Esc, or press F9 to continue past error. There is no hazard in
reading past errors, though some commands may be ignored. You can edit the
control file directly to correct errors. See The PC-Write Wizard's Book.
You can have additional control files besides ED.DEF, called custom control
files. These custom files usually contain settings specific to one document
or group of documents. Have a custom file be read automatically with a
particular document (or group), by following these steps:
1. Name the control file 'ED.xxx' where 'xxx' is the same filename
extension as the document(s) it pertains to. Ex. ED.DOC for LETTER.DOC
2. Use the Customizer to turn on control file search. See <CUSTOMIZE>
For printer control file information, see <Print control file>.
Character or space Word
Under cursor Del To the right Ctl-Esc
To the left Bksp To the left Ctl-Bksp
To end of line Ctl-Enter
Entire line Home, Ctl-Enter
E- or Shf-Ctl-Enter
E-To line start Shf-Ctl-Bksp
E-Begin marking Alt E S M (or F4) See <SELECTING TEXT> for more options
E-Delete Alt E D (or F4)
E-Undo delete Alt E U D (or Ctl-F4) See <BOX OPERATIONS> to undelete box
E-Word, block, and line delete put text in a hold area, in case you want to
E-undelete it. If hold area is almost full, you can still delete but not
E-all can be recovered by undelete.
E-Block delete in HIDE mode deletes Guide lines at start of block, but asks
E-before deleting any at end of block. See <Guide lines>, <Hide/Show codes>
F=Delete a file Alt F M E (or Alt-F1 F7) See <Delete>
Overwrite mode
Type over text Alt E O (or Scroll Lock) See <Typing mode>
Summary of speed keys follows. See <Function key reminder> at bottom.
To assign alternate keys for some of these operations, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
S=Set Ctl-Home
S=Jump Ctl-End
S=Jump to last place Shf-Ctl-End
Character at cursor Del
Character to left Bksp
Word to right Ctl-Esc
Word to left Ctl-Bksp
Line, cursor to end Ctl-Enter
Line, entire Home, Ctl-Enter
E- or Shf-Ctl-Enter
E-Line, from beginning Shf-Ctl-Bksp
Blank Ins
Line boundary Enter
Line boundary, Shf-Enter
align with text above
N=Hyphen, hard Ctl-Hyphen
N=Hyphen, soft Shf-Ctl-Hyphen
N=Space, hard Ctl-Space
N=Space, soft Shf-Ctl-Space
Spaces, to tab stop Ctl-I
E-Word Ctl-Alt-W
E-Line Ctl-Alt-L
E-Sentence Ctl-Alt-S
E-Paragraph Ctl-Alt-P
Push/Over typing Scroll Lock
V-Hide/Show codes Alt-Space
A=Key code numbers Ctl-^
A=Record keys
A=Record mode on/off Ctl-@
A=Playback keys Grey*
S-Forward Grey+ (or Ctl-L)
S-Backward Grey- (or Ctl-O)
N=Slide text
N=To right Shf-Ins
N=To left Shf-Del
E=Character to left Shf-Bksp
E=Character to right Shf-Esc
N-Temporary Indents
N-left Ctl-[
N-right Ctl-]
N-first line Ctl-\
Print Shf-Grey*
Refresh Ctl-Grey*
Function key reminder
F1:System/help F3.Copy/mark F5.Un-select F7.Reformat F9:Search-set
F2:Window F4.Delete/mark F6.Move/mark F8.Switch-case F10.Replace-one
Shf + key
sF1.Hints± sF3:Merge sF7.Reform-mode
sF6:Imp/Export sF8.Center-ASCII
Ctl + key
cF1:Tutorial cF3:File-ins cF5.Mark-all cF7.Box-mark cF9:Frame-box
cF2:Ruler cF4.Un-delete cF6:Tofile/mark cF8.Flush-ASCII cF10.Swap-find
Alt + key
aF1:Name/File aF3:Macros aF5:Convert aF7:Paging aF9:Location
aF2:Spell/thes aF4:Misc-tool aF6:Adapt aF8.Upper-case aF10:Replace-menu
For mouse operations, see <MOUSING AROUND>.
To assign your own speed keys, see <RECORDING KEYS>.
Basic operations
Converting files
Managing files
DOS shell
Making subfiles
F-Open/create a file
F-1. Press Alt F O (or F1 F6).
F-2. Type filename you want to open, press Enter. You can type over name at
F-prompt, or arrow past drive or directory path to change just filename. To
F-open a file from drive or directory not the default, be sure to type drive
F-and/or directory.
F-3. File currently being edited is saved and exited. New file is opened. If
F-you typed name of file that doesn't exist or improper filename, you are
F-prompted to press F9 to create the file. See <Filenames>
For file switching options after Alt F O, see <SHORTCUTS>.
To switch between files in different windows, see <WINDOW OPERATIONS>.
To set a permanent filename extension or location, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
F-If your memory does not have enough free space to open the file specified,
F-you may get a message saying 'memory full'. You may be given one of these
F-options, depending on your editing status:
F-1. Free hold area. This removes text you may have deleted earlier, so that
F-the delete cannot be undone (undeleted). Or it will cancel text being held
F-while transferring from one file to another. See <COPY/MOVE TEXT>
F-2. Free word lists. This removes spelling word lists from memory. You may
F-later be able to load these separately, or when you open a smaller file.
Read-only mode
If you open a locked file (e.g. on a network), you get a warning. You can
read it on screen but cannot write changes to it.
Whenever you open a file, you can write a backup to keep in case you run
into problems while editing the file. Press F9 at prompt if you want a
backup or Esc if you don't want one. You can set program to always or never
backup, or backup on exiting instead. See <CUSTOMIZE>
F-List & select a file to open
F-1. Press Alt F L (or F1 F6 F8 Enter).
F-2. Press Dn/UpArrow until file you want is highlighted, press Enter.
F-3. File currently being edited is saved. New file is loaded. You are
F-prompted for a backup. Press Esc for no backup, or F9 if you want one.
F-Other options at listing: highlighting a subdirectory name and pressing
F-Enter displays its files. Or, pressing F8 allows you to type in name of
F-different directory. F8 option is also available at all filename prompts.
F-New name
F-Press Alt F N (or F1 F5), type in new filename (type over old name that
F-appears at prompt), then press Enter. Now when you save or exit the file,
F-your text is written to new name. If you saved the file when it had the old
F-name, the old file is still on your disk. See also <Rename>
Save a file
When you make changes to a file on screen, the changes are only in your
computer's memory. Press Alt F S (or F1 F3) to save changes to disk.
You can have the program automatically save or remind you to save at an
interval based on time passed or number of characters typed. See <CUSTOMIZE>
If your disk is too full to save new text you added, you get a message when
you try to save. You can save to a different, less full disk.
If you've taken the floppy disk that contains your file out of its original
drive, you get a message asking you to reinsert the correct disk. This may
occur if you've inserted a spelling, thesaurus, printer, or other disk in
the drive.
Undo changes
Press Alt F U (or F1 F9 F6 F10) to reopen file as it was before you made
changes. This cancels only changes made since last time you saved.
Exit a file
Press Alt F E (or F1 F2), which exits PC-Write. If you have changed your
document since the last time you saved, the file is automatically saved.
F-If you don't want to exit PC-Write, you can open another file (which exits
F-current file). See Open/create a file>
F-Closing a window exits a file, too. See <WINDOW OPERATIONS>
To exit a file without saving it
F-Undo changes before you open another: Alt F U then Alt F O (or F1 F9 F6)
or before you exit PC-Write: Alt F U then Alt F E (or F1 F9 F2).
F=To edit or save a file not in PC-Write format, you must convert it first.
F=Convert and open a file not in current PC-Write format.
F=Alt F C I O (or Shf-F6 F2) Old PC-Write (previous to Standard level 2.0)
F= converts older style page breaks and Guide lines
F=Alt F C I H (or Shf-F6 F3) Highbits (Wordstar, strips characters above 127)
F=Alt F C I W (or Shf-F6 F4) WordPerfect file (version 5.0 or 5.1)
F=Alt F C I D (or Shf-F6 F5) DCA (IBM's Document Content Architecture format)
F=At import filename prompt:
F=1. Type name of file to convert (or press F8 to choose from list).
F=Be sure to include file extension (.TXT, .DOC, etc.). See <Filenames>
F=2. Press F10, type PC-Write name you want file to have, then Enter.
F=Write a copy of your file to a file in another format.
F=Alt F C I H (or Shf-F6 F6) Hard ASCII (keeps hard returns, page breaks)
F=Alt F C I S (or Shf-F6 F7) Soft ASCII (transport to other text processor)
F=Alt F C I W (or Shf-F6 F8) WordPerfect file (version 5.0 or 5.1)
F=Alt F C I D (or Shf-F6 F9) DCA (IBM's Document Content Architecture format)
F=At export filename prompt, type name for converted file.
F=Be sure to include file extension (.TXT, .DOC, etc.). See <Filenames>
F=ASCII export may ask whether to delete codes above 127. This includes box or
F=foreign characters and special hyphens/spaces. See <Extended characters>
To convert tabs, spaces, or line ends in document, see <Convert>.
F=These commands help with file housekeeping within PC-Write. Similar
F=functions and more are available when you exit to DOS. See <DOS commands>
F=Alt F N (or F1 F5) renames a file in memory. See <New name>
F=Alt F M R (or Alt-F1 F5) renames a file on disk.
F=If you type the name of a file that already exists, you are asked if you
F=want to write over existing file.
F=Alt F M C (or Alt-F1 F6) writes a copy of your file to disk.
F=You can write it to a different name or location by typing at prompt.
To copy files other than current one, use DOS COPY. See <DOS commands>
F=Alt F M E (or Alt-F1 F7) deletes a file on disk. You are always asked to
F=confirm your deletion. To delete the file currently open, first delete the
F=copy on disk with Alt F M E; then exit PC-Write without saving changes by
F=pressing Alt F U then Alt F E (or F1 F9 F2). See <Undo changes>
F=List files
F=Alt-F1 F8 then Enter lists files in current directory. If there are
F=subdirectories, you can highlight one and press Enter to list its files. To
F=list files in another directory (not listed), press F8 and type a different
F=name at directory prompt. Listing files is available at any filename prompt
F=by pressing F8. See also <List & select>
F=If your computer has enough memory you may temporarily exit PC-Write to run
F=another program or DOS command, keeping the editor and your file in memory.
F=Alt F D S (or F1 F4 then Enter) shells to DOS. The screen shows a prompt
F=(A>) just like when you exit PC-Write. Now you can type DOS commands as
F=usual. See <DOS commands>
F=Alt F D C (or F1 F4) runs a DOS command directly from PC-Write.
F=The top line reads:
F= Command file (Esc:cancel F8:dir): "drive:\COMMAND.COM"
F=where "drive" is boot drive.
F=Type name of .COM or .EXE file to execute. PC-Write looks first for a .COM,
F=then for a .EXE file.
F=Exiting the Shell, Re-entering PC-Write
F=When you run a program directly from PC-Write, and the program finishes, you
F=are prompted with:
F= To return to the edit program, press any key
F=Or, if at the DOS prompt in the shell, type
F=then press Enter.
F=The shell from PC-Write is a temporary opening to DOS. When you return the
F=shell is closed and all activities ended. So, the shell is suitable for
F=applications that are complete upon return to PC-Write, but not for loading
F=a memory resident program that stays active upon return to PC-Write. To load
F=a resident program, exit PC-Write normally with Alt F E (or F1 F2), load the
F=program, and then reenter PC-Write (ED filename).
DOS commands
PC-Write can do most of these file operations. See <MANAGING FILES>
You can run DOS commands directly from PC-Write. See <DOS SHELL>
"A>" is the DOS prompt.
A>COPY fromfile tofile
copies "fromfile" to "tofile"
A>DEL filename
deletes the file "filename"
lists files in drive B
formats diskette in drive B
A>RENAME oldname newname
renames "oldname" to "newname"
A>SORT < infilename > outfilename
sorts lines in "infilename" and puts them in "outfilename"
A>TYPE filename
displays contents of "filename"
DOS filenames are 1 to 8 characters, plus an extension of 0 to 3 letters.
The format is: FILENAME.EXT
You can use letters A-Z (upper and lower case are the same), numbers 0-9,
and the symbols $ & # @ ! % ( ) { } - _ ~ in a filename.
Filenames can be preceded by a drive and/or a pathname, for example:
Think of drive and path as part of the full filename. With no drive and/or
path specified, DOS assumes the currently logged drive and subdirectory.
Loading Options
Bypass prompt for backup: no backup ED filename/e
Bypass prompt for backup: create backup ED filename/s
To permanently set backup status, see <CUSTOMIZE>
Bypass prompt for creating file: ED filename/c
Display directory before loading ED *.*
(or use filename.* or *.ext)
Edit file in Read Only mode (network) ED filename/r
Jump to line in file, nn is line number ED filename/nn
Pause to name control files read ED filename/w
All / options may be used in combination. For example: filename/e/w
F-File Switching
F-(All load options listed above are also available when switching files.)
F-Quick switch to another file, no backup F1 F6, filename, F10
F-Quick switch to another file, with backup F1 F6, filename, F9
F-Quick switch to prior/next file in series F1 F6 F5/F7
F-Switch to filename at the cursor F1 F6 F6
F-Files in a series
F-Using F5 or F7 Quick switch following F1 F6 lets PC-Write know you are
F-editing files in series. Series files have the same name with an incremental
F-last one or two digit number or letter (FILE1.DOC, FILE2.DOC). Search &
F-replace, spell scan, and printing ask if you want to continue to next file,
F-once you've reached end of current file.
Printing Options
Display print menu, exit when done printing ED filename/p
Print all pages, bypass prompts/menus ED filename/e/p
Print first page, bypass prompts/menus ED filename/s/p
Print file to another file ED filename filename/p
See also <PRINTING>
If you try to open a file too big to fit in memory, PC-Write asks if you
want to break it into smaller files to edit separately. You select number of
subfiles to make. If subfile with same name already exists, you can cancel
overwriting that file.
To put subfiles back into one, use DOS COPY command:
A>COPY file1 + file2 + file3 bigfile
copies "file1", "file2", and "file3" to a file named "bigfile"
See <DOS commands>
G-Fonts set look of characters when printed. They have three categories:
G-Typefaces: shape of character, such as Courier and Times.
G-Sizes: character width and height, such as 10 cpi or 12 point.
G-Effects: special enhancements, such as underline and bold.
G-Typefaces and sizes set spacing of characters; only one of each can be
G-active at a time. Multiple effects can be active at once.
G-The Font menu inserts font characters or Dot lines to set fonts.
These are visible only if you are in Show mode. See <Hide/Show codes>
You can also insert these formatting commands directly at cursor.
G-Fonts listed on menu are those available on current printer. Make and model
of current printer displays at bottom of Print Setup submenu.
To print test pages showing your printer's fonts, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
G-Before setting a font, decide where you want it to apply.
G-Alt L F L sets look for next few words you type (or selected words).
G-Font characters will be inserted at start and end of lines.
G=Alt L F B sets look for this paragraph and onward, using Dot lines. If you
G=select a block of lines, font stops after last line. See <SELECTING TEXT>
G-Alt L F D sets look of type for entire document (base font).
G=Alt L F H sets look of type for headers and footers. See <HEADERS & FOOTERS>
The Status line shows current font for text at cursor. See <Status line>
G-Current document font is indicated by a ≈, paragraph or body font by a ~.
G-There are two kinds of typefaces:
G-Fixed-width faces have letters/spaces all the same width, like a typewriter.
G=Proportional typefaces have letters/spaces that are not all the same width.
G=PC-Write supports both, also downloaded (soft) fonts, if your printer does.
G-Current document font is indicated by a ≈, paragraph or body font by a ~.
G-For many printers, size is not available; it is combined with typeface. Even
G-for printers that support sizes, some typefaces may not support sizes.
G-Usually, one size font sets a fixed size (in characters per inch, cpi) for
G-fixed-width typefaces, and another (in points) for proportional typefaces.
G-When available, the font letters assigned to sizes are:
G- Fixed width
G-Compressed 15 cpi
G-Elite 12 cpi
G-Pica 10 cpi
G-Double 5 cpi
G= Proportional
G=Compressed 8.0 p
G=Elite 10.0 p
G=Pica 12.0 p
G=Double 14.4 p
G-Multiple effects can be active at once (unlike typefaces or sizes).
G-Current paragraph or body font by a ~
G=Current document font is indicated by a ≈
Inserting fonts directly
PC-Write assigns font letters (first letter on menus) to each font. Font
characters are graphic symbols for these letters. To insert a font
character, press and hold the Alt key, then press font letter. You may find
it quicker to set fonts, especially effects, this way. You must be in Show
mode to see font characters. See <Hide/Show codes>
To view table of font characters, see <Font characters>.
Another way to set fonts (for whole lines) is with Dot lines. They take
effect until you turn them off, or (for typefaces and sizes) you set a new
one. See <Dot lines>
Tips for inserting fonts directly:
- Insert same font character before and after text to be enhanced.
- Font characters automatically stop at end of line. To enhance several
lines, place font at start of each line (or use Dot lines).
- Apply only one typeface and size to an area of text. You can apply
multiple effects. 'Nest' multiple fonts, as you would parentheses.
- Enter font characters as you type, or insert them later. Auto-reformat
mode is not recommended when inserting later.
- Delete or transpose font characters like normal characters. Best to do
this in Show mode.
- In Auto-reformat mode, deleting first font character in pair deletes
second automatically.
Reserved font characters
Certain font characters are used by PC-Write for special purposes, and are
not available to set fonts. These include:
Alt-A Align font See <Alignment>
Alt-G Guide line font See <Guide lines>
Alt-K End paragraph font See <Break paragraph>
Alt-N Auto-number font See <Auto-numbering>
Alt-T Page break font See <Inserting breaks>
To view table of font characters, see <Font characters>.
Footnote entry
Endnote entry
Notes setup
Footnotes print at bottom of page. Endnotes print at end of document.
Sequential numbering is an option. See <Auto-numbering>
R=1. Type footnote reference in text. Reference character is your choice.
R= Sequential numbering is an option. See <Auto-numbering>
R=2. Type footnote text on line just after paragraph containing reference.
R=3. Mark the lines using Alt E S M or L (or F3). See <SELECTING TEXT>
R=4. Press Alt L R F then Enter to make the lines a footnote.
R=5. Press Alt E T (or F5) to unmark lines.
R=To change footnote lines back to body text, mark them and press Alt L R B.
Footnotes do not display on screen in their final printing position.
You can preview them in final position before printing. See <Preview>
R=1. Type endnote reference in text. Reference character is your choice.
R= Sequential numbering is an option. See <Auto-numbering>
R=2. Type endnote text on line just after paragraph containing reference.
R=3. Mark the lines using Alt E S M or L (or F3). See <SELECTING TEXT>
R=4. Press Alt L R E then Enter to make the lines an endnote.
R=5. Press Alt E T (or F5) to unmark lines.
To change endnote lines back to regular text, mark them and press Alt L R B.
R=Notes spacing
R=Alt L R N S sets line height for footnotes. Choose the same height as rest
R=of text, or set Narrow, Regular, or Wide. See <SPACING>
R=Footnote fence
R=Alt L R N F puts a separator between last line on each page and footnotes.
R=Choose either Short bar or Blank line. You can design your own separator by
R=typing in a Dot line. See <Dot lines>
R=Update references
R=Alt L R U (or Alt-F7 F2) moves all endnotes to endnote area at end of file.
R=Any notes already there are replaced by new set.
When you make changes to your document, such as deleting words or changing
margins, you may need to rewrap the text. This is called reformatting.
N-Single paragraph Alt L M R P (or F7)
N-Whole document Alt L M R D (or Ctl-F5 F7)
N-Marked block Alt L M R M (or F7)
N-Wrap mode
N-Normally, words automatically wrap when you reach the end of line. You can
N-turn wordwrap off, and use Enter to move to a new line instead.
Status line shows
N-Wrap text at end of line Alt L M R W (or Shf-F7) Wrap+ or Wrap#
N-Turn off wrapping Alt L M R W (or Shf-F7) Wrap- or Wrap=
These settings are temporary. To set mode permanently, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
You can set PC-Write to wrap sentences with one space or two following
ending punctuation (e.g. period or exclamation mark). See <CUSTOMIZE>
N-Auto-reformat mode To set permanently, see <CUSTOMIZE>
N-You can have PC-Write reformat text automatically as you make changes. Press
N-Alt L M R A (or Shf-F7) to turn automatic reformat on or off. The Status
N-line shows Para+ when it's on, and returns to Wrap+ when turned off. In this
N-mode, pressing Enter always ends a paragraph (and inserts a break paragraph
N-character). To not break paragraphs, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
N-Control reformat
N-You may want to protect an area of text, such as a table, from inadvertent
N-reformatting (manual or automatic).
N-1. Select text with Alt E S (or F3). See <SELECTING TEXT>
N-2. Press Alt L M R C N to turn off reformatting for the block.
N-Text before or after protected area reformats according to reformat mode set
N-on status line. See <Auto-reformat mode>
N-You can attach a reformat setting to a particular document.
N-At top of document: Status line shows
N=Alt L M R A sets Auto-reformat for that document only. ParA+ or ParA#
N-Alt L M R N sets No reformat for the document. ParN- or ParN=
N-Setting it when not at top of document applies only from cursor forward.
N-To return to usual PC-Write setting, press Alt L M R U.
To turn off reformat permanently to protect special files, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Break paragraph
Auto-reformat always inserts a paragraph end character when you press the
Enter key. This keeps paragraphs from joining together upon reformat.
N=When not in auto-reformat mode, protect single lines, like an address, by
N=pressing Alt-K then Enter to end lines. For existing lines:
N=1. Select text with Alt E S (or F3). See <SELECTING TEXT>
N=2. Press Alt L M R B R to break each line. See also <Control reformat>
To always have Enter end paragraphs, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Cursor moves
Jump to location
Use editing keys in addition to Arrows to move quickly throughout document.
Jump to precise locations. To find specific text, see <SEARCH & REPLACE>.
To Left Right
Character Left Arrow Right Arrow
Word Ctl-LtArrow Ctl-RtArrow
Screen edge Shf-LtArrow Shf-RtArrow
Tab Shf-Tab Tab
Indent Home Shf-End
First/last Shf-Home End
character on line
To change what some Arrow keys do, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
To Previous Next
S-Page Ctl-PgUp Ctl-PgDn
S-Paragraph Shf-Ctl-PgUp Shf-Ctl-PgDn
S=Sentence Shf-Ctl-LtArrow Shf-Ctl-RtArrow
To Up Down
Line Up Arrow Down Arrow
Screen top/bottom Shf-UpArrow Shf-DnArrow
Block start/end Shf-Alt- Shf-Alt+
File top/bottom Shf-Grey+ or Alt+ Shf-Grey- or Alt-
or Alt S T or Alt S E
Scroll Up Down
Line PgDn PgDn
Screenful Shf-PgUp Shf-PgDn
To change what the scroll keys do, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
S=Alt S B S (or Ctl-Home) sets a place to return to later.
S=Alt S B J (or Ctl-End) jumps to the place you set.
S=When you set a new place, the old bookmark is lost.
S-Line in file Alt S L I (or Alt-F9) (includes Guide lines)
S-Column in file Alt S L C (or Alt-F9 F8)
S-Line on page Alt S L O L (or Alt-F9 F9 F10) (skips Guide lines)
S-Page number Alt S L O P (or Alt-F9 F10)
S=Last place
S=A second bookmark is set before jumps and at source of moved block.
S=Alt S J L (or Shf-Ctl-End) jumps back to this temporary place.
S=Non-ASCII character
S=Alt S J N (or Alt-F4 F6) jumps to next non-ASCII character. Includes font,
S=Guide line, foreign, box drawing, and special hyphen or space characters.
S=Match pair
S=With cursor on symbol in a matching pair, such as (, {, [, or <,
S=Alt S M (or Alt-F4 F4) marks and jumps to its matching symbol. Matches
S=letters when cursor is on a letter.
R-Header lines repeat at top of each page; footer lines at bottom. Footnotes
R-are not footers. Headers and footers show only upon printing or preview.
R-Page number and/or other text prints in a header or footer (see below).
To reset starting number for page, see <Set page number>.
To set fonts for headers and footers, see <FONTS>.
R-To print only page number at top of page:
R-Alt L R H H C Center page number, like this: -2-
R-Alt L R H H F Flush right number, like this: page 2
R=To include other text with or without a page number:
R=Alt L R H H T Text at left, page number at right: 2
R=Alt L R H H D Date at left, text at right: May 5, 1996
R=Alt L R H H O Text at left
R=Type text between quotes on top line then press Enter.
To change position of text/date/number, see <Create your own>.
R-To print only page number at bottom of page:
R-Alt L R H F C Center page number, like this: -2-
R-Alt L R H F F Flush right number, like this: page 2
R=To include other text with or without page number:
R=Alt L R H F T Text at left, page number at right: 2
R=Alt L R H F D Date at left, text at right: May 5, 1996
R=Alt L R H F O Text at left
R=Type text between quotes on top line then press Enter.
To change position of text/date/number, see <Create your own>.
To change date format, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
R-Turn off headers with Alt L R H H N.
R-Turn off footers with Alt L R H F N.
R-These commands turn off headers and footers for entire document. To change
R-or turn them off part way through, use Dot lines. See <Create your own>
R=Turn off header or footer for current page only, resume next page.
R=Header Alt L R H S H
R=Footer Alt L R H S F
Create your own
Change parts and/or their positioning in single line header or footer.
Alt L R H H O type in header text
Alt L R H F O type in footer text
Type page number as $$$. Push text left or right with +++.
Page Positioning Example Header Example Footer
Page numbers .H:Page $$$ .F:- $$$ -
Blank line .H: .F:
Flush left .H:Part 1+++ .F:$$$+++
Flush right .H:+++$$$ .F:+++Chapter 2
Centered .H:+++Heros+++ .F:+++$$$+++
Pull-down menus create a single line header or footer plus separator line.
Insert Dot lines to create multiple line headers or footers. See <Dot lines>
Include a blank line header last, and first for footer, to separate lines
from regular text on each page. Multiple line headers/footers are indicated
by 'Unknown format' on menus.
Other Options Example Header Example Footer
System date .H:$$Mon Year$$ .F:$$D Mon Year$$
Day of the week .H:$$Day$$ .F:$$Day$$
System time .H:$$H:MI$$ .F:$$Z:MI$$ (24hr)
Filename .H:$$filename$$ .F:$$filename.ext$$
R=Comment line
R=Press Alt L R I C to type single line of text for a comment. The comment
R=is put in a Dot line that you can see on screen in Show mode, but doesn't
R=print. If you have marked text, each line becomes a comment line.
E=Press Alt E I D (or Alt-F4 F5) to insert current date at cursor.
E=Choose from a variety of date formats. See <CUSTOMIZE>
E-Press Alt E F I (or Ctl-F3) to insert all text of another file.
To insert only parts of another file, see <COPY/MOVE TEXT>.
E-Marked block copy F3 See <COPY/MOVE TEXT>
E-Deleted text Ctl-F4 See <Undelete>
Line boundary Enter
Character code Alt-keypad number See <CHARACTER CODES>
Q-Hard page break Alt-T See <PAGINATION>
Q=Soft page break Shf-Alt-T
N=Ruler Ctl-F2 F4 See <Ruler line>
To insert a special hyphen or space, see <HYPHENS & SPACES>.
Use automatic numbering for footnotes, lines, and outlines. You enter a
numbering sequence that is translated into a sequential series of numbers
when you repage or renumber. For page numbering, see <HEADERS & FOOTERS>.
First create a unique numbering sequence. Each sequence contains:
1. An Alt-N font character ( )
2. A number or letter (capital or lower case)
3. A symbol (anything but a digit or letter, including a space)
When you repage (Alt-F7), the numbers or letters become sequential.
The symbol, which defines the sequence, remains the same.
Example After renumber:
1. Lions 1. Lions ( is the Alt-N font character)
3. Tigers 2. Tigers
2. Bears 3. Bears
Multiple Levels
Create multiple sequences for outlines or section numbering.
before an entry uses the number or letter shown as the series start.
before an entry re-uses the last value.
7. Chapter 1 (two sequences, one ending with dot, one with space)
A. Lions (another sequence using capital letters ends with dot)
8. Chapter 3
A. Tigers
C. Bears
When renumbered is:
1. Chapter 1
A. Lions
2. Chapter 2
A. Tigers
B. Bears
R=Footnote Numbering See <FOOTNOTE & ENDNOTES>
R=Use Alt-N to number footnote entries. Start each entry with Alt-N and the
R=number or letter and symbol for series. Repage, and the numbers update to
R=current order of footnotes in document. In this example, footnote number
R=ends with "." and footnote reference with "]":
R=This is the reference [ 9] to giraffes.
R= 9. This is footnote text about giraffes.
R=Auto numbering via menus
R=Before inserting a sequence, set its purpose:
R=Alt L R A F begins or resets start of number sequence.
R=Alt L R A N increments to next number of sequence.
R=Alt L R A R repeats a number, as for multiple level outlines.
R=Up to five different sequences can be inserted in one document.
R=Blank 1 Alt L R A I B
R=Colon 1: Alt L R A I C
R=Decimal 1. Alt L R A I C
R=Parenthesis (1) Alt L R A I P
R=Superscript 1 Alt L R A I S ( is Alt-H, superscript font)
R=Alt L R A U updates your auto-number sequences. Repage does this also.
Margins, paper size, alignment, tab stops See <MARGINS & TABS>
Paragraph shape (justify, center, etc.), indents See <PARAGRAPHS>
Reformat, wrapping text to new layout settings See <FORMATTING>
Line height, multiple line spacing See <SPACING>
Typefaces, enhancing text See <FONTS>
Page breaks See <PAGINATION>
References are parts of your document that are not main body text:
Footnotes, endnotes See <FOOTNOTE & ENDNOTES>
Headers, footers, page numbering See <HEADERS & FOOTERS>
Auto numbering lines and footnotes, comment lines See <INSERT>
Guide lines
Guide lines control formatting. They are inserted when layout changes are
made using pull-down menus. Guide lines for editing are Ruler lines.
Guide lines for printing are Dot lines. You can insert dot lines directly
instead, just like typing document text. All Guide lines begin with an Alt-G
font character. Dot lines begin with an Alt-G followed by a dot (period).
Alt-G characters are not normally visible, but Guide lines are highlighted,
and the word "Guide" appears in the status line when the cursor is on one.
To delete a Guide line, place cursor at start and press Ctl-Enter.
To delete just the Alt-G, place cursor at start and press Bksp.
Guide lines do not print. To view your file with Guide lines hidden press
Alt V H (or Alt-Spacebar). To show them, press Alt V S (or Alt-Spacebar).
See <Hide/Show codes>
Dot lines
Put each Dot line on its own line, preceded by Alt-G.
* means line breaks a paragraph.
Operation Dot line See also
Bottom margin .XB:length <MARGINS & TABS>
Left margin .XI:number <MARGINS & TABS>
Right margin .XJ:number <MARGINS & TABS>
Top margin .XT:length <MARGINS & TABS>
First page +/- top margin .XU:length <MARGINS & TABS>
Comment line .. <INSERT>
Control line in text file .C:text <Control files>
*Endnote entry, begin .DE <ENDNOTE ENTRY>
*Endnote area, begin .DI <UPDATE REFERENCES>
*Endnote area, end .DJ <UPDATE REFERENCES>
*Footnote entry, begin .DB <FOOTNOTE ENTRY>
*Foot/endnote entry, end .DQ <FOOTNOTE ENTRY>
*Footnote file .DF:filename <NOTES SETUP>
*Footnote header (fence) .DH:text <Footnote fence>
*Footnote line height .DS:length <Notes spacing>
*Footnote spacing multiple .DM:number <Notes spacing>
Font, start Regular font .R:letter <FONTS>
Font, quit Regular font .Q:letter <FONTS>
Fonts, quit all fonts .QQ <FONTS>
Footer line .F:text <HEADERS & FOOTERS>
Footer font, start .RF:letter <FONTS>
Footer font, quit .QF:letter <FONTS>
Footer suppress, one page .FN <Suppress>
Footer lines, quit all .FQ <Turn off footers>
Header line .H:text <HEADERS & FOOTERS>
Header font, start .RH:letter <FONTS>
Header font, quit .QH:letter <FONTS>
Header suppress, one page .HN <Suppress>
Header lines, quit all .HQ <Turn off headers>
Include ASCII codes .TT:n,n,...
Length of page .L:length <Paper size>
Width of page .W:number <Paper size>
Line height, all lines .S:length <SPACING>
Line height, blank lines .SB:length <SPACING>
Line height, text lines .ST:length <SPACING>
Line spacing multiple .M:number <SPACING>
Output file .O:filename <Print to disk>
Page number, this page .N:number <Set page number>
Begin reformat protection N (Mini-Ruler) <Control reformat>
" " " .+ (obsolete)
End reformat protection Y (Mini-Ruler) <Control reformat>
" " " .- (obsolete)
Ruler line
A Ruler Line is a Guide line that sets paragraph shapes, indents, and tabs.
It can also set reformatting on or off, and ruler spacing. When you change
these layout settings using pull-down menus, Ruler lines are inserted for
you. A Ruler Line starts with an invisible Alt-G, and contains capital
letters used by PC-Write, and lower case letters, dashes and so on for your
own reference. To change the look of Ruler lines, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Note: If cursor is on an embedded Ruler line when you ask for context-
sensitive help, this screen displays to describe it.
E=Edit Rulers directly to set functions not available in menus, like decimal
E=tabs or tab stops that are not equally spaced.
E=Alt L M U E (or Ctl-F2) brings up current Ruler line. Make changes, then:
E=Press F2 to replace current Ruler with this changed one, or
E=Press F4 to embed this Ruler at cursor, leaving current one alone.
E=The current Ruler is the most recent Ruler, embedded or in a control file.
E=When you've changed your Ruler line, existing paragraphs are not affected
E=until you reformat them (unless you're using auto-reformat mode).
E=You can edit Rulers in different locations, without going there first.
E=Grey+ while at Ruler menu makes the next Ruler line the current Ruler.
E=Grey- while at Ruler menu makes the prior Ruler line the current Ruler.
E=Shf-Grey+ makes final Ruler line embedded in file the current Ruler.
E=Shf-Grey- makes default Ruler line the current Ruler.
E=You can then make changes and end with F2 or F4, as above.
Ruler shading
You can choose to display Ruler at top of screen. See <Top lines>
To display it permanently, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
When Ruler displays at screen top or when editing with Ctl-F2, shading
extends between current indents to indicate text width. If this looks
incorrect, you may have a temporary indent set. See <Temporary indent>
Mini-Rulers are shortcut Rulers with just an Alt-G Guide line character
followed by a shape or reformatting letter, such as C, F, R, A, N, or Y.
Ruler spacing
Every character position on Ruler corresponds to a final printed position.
The digits in the ruler show inch positions from left edge of paper. If
you're printing in a fixed-width (monospace) font, the width of a Ruler
space matches the width of the font; paragraphs on screen line up under the
indent positions. With a variable-width (proportional) font, the ruler
spacing is fixed at 10 spaces per inch by default; paragraphs on screen may
extend past right indent (though they print at right indent position). You
can fix the ruler spacing to any width.
Ruler letters and symbols
A Auto-reformat always
C Center text shape
D Decimal tab
F Flush right shape
H Floating auto-indent, first line negative
I Floating auto-indent, first line positive
J Justify right shape
K (left indent, forced)
L Left indent
N Never reformat
O Permit reformat around Ruler
P Paragraph indent for first line
R Ragged right shape
S Spring shape
T Tab stop
Y Reformat follows Status line (Alt L M R A or Shf-F7)
| Right margin, program sets ruler spacing
! Right margin, user sets ruler spacing
@n Ruler spacing, Ex. @10i
Available PC-Write spacing measurements include:
c centimeters
i inches
m current line spacing
p points (1/72 inch)
r current Ruler spacing
s sixth inches (picas)
t dots (300/inch)
u units (97,200/inch)
/c per centimeter
/i per inch
Decimal is permitted, values are generally accurate to .005
Defaults apply when no unit follows value in Guide line:
vertical: sixth inches (s)
horizontal: ruler spacing (r)
Menu defaults to last unit set for that value (usually inches).
The blank border at all edges of document pages can be set separately for
top, bottom, left and right. Text prints just inside border. You can
reposition text inside border by sliding and aligning it at tab stops.
To set indent or shape for paragraphs inside margin, see <PARAGRAPHS>.
To reformat text to margins or indents, see <FORMATTING>.
See also <LAYOUT>
N-Page setup
N-Alt L M P T sets blank margin bordering top of pages.
N-Alt L M P B sets blank margin bordering bottom of pages.
N-Alt L M P L sets blank margin bordering left of pages.
N-Alt L M P R sets blank margin bordering right of pages.
N-Values include printer's unprintable area of page to assure exact amount.
N=First page of document can have extra top margin (e.g. for title or logo).
N=Alt L M P F sets a positive or negative value to add to regular top margin.
N-Paper size
N-Alt L M P S W sets paper width (distance left to right).
N-Alt L M P S W sets paper length (distance top to bottom).
N-Tab stops
N-Alt L M T T sets an equal distance (interval) between tab stops.
N-Tab stops on Ruler line show as letter 'T', and are left aligned.
N=You can set tabs at unequal distances by directly editing the Ruler line.
N=1. Place cursor at line where you want tab stops to begin.
N=2. Press Alt L M U E (or Ctl-F2) to view and edit current Ruler.
N=3. Type capital T's at desired locations. (Or type D's - see <Decimal tab>)
N=4. Press F4 to insert new Ruler with changes into document.
See <Ruler line>
Tabbed text in a fixed-width font prints at position shown on screen. But
text in variable-width (proportional) font won't, without aligning it first.
See <Alignment> and <FONTS>
Tab (or Shf-Tab) key moves cursor to next (or prior) indent or tab stop.
Text does not move automatically with cursor to tab stop. It can, if you
change Tab key function. See <CUSTOMIZE>
N=Decimal tab stops align the decimal, instead of left text edge, at tab stop.
N=Typing at decimal tab pushes text to left until decimal character is typed;
N=characters after decimal push to right. Handy for table of numbers. Setting
N=a decimal tab requires editing the Ruler line, and placing a capital 'D' at
N=location for decimal. See procedure above, under <Tab stops>.
To set comma or period as decimal character, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
N=Text in a variable-width (proportional) font must be aligned with a special
N=character in order to print correctly when not positioned at left indent.
N=Alt L M A A aligns word (or selected text) at cursor along left side. To
N=align a column of text, mark or box mark it first. See <SELECTING TEXT>
N=You can align a word or column of text without selecting it, by pressing
N=Alt-A at the start of each leftmost word. Alt-A aligns and moves cursor to
N=next line; so when aligning a column, start with the first line in column.
N=Sliding text
N=Shift position of multiple line text, or selected text. Slide each line
N=right or left the same amount by setting a slide count.
N=Alt L M A S sets slide count. Set this before sliding.
N=Alt L M A R slides line or selected text to the right.
N=Alt L M A L slides line or selected text to the left.
N=Sliding actually inserts or deletes spaces at cursor. When sliding right,
N=text pushes right from cursor. Sliding left pulls text toward cursor. When
N=text reaches cursor, the sliding stops (even if it hasn't moved the entire
N=slide count), which prevents deleting text.
N=To slide selected text without using menus:
N=Press Shf-Ins (to slide right) or Shf-Del (to slide left).
N=A prompt displays to allow you to enter the slide count amount.
Note that once text is positioned where you want it, it may need to be
aligned with a special character before printing. See <Alignment>
For other ways to move text, see <COPY/MOVE TEXT>.
You can use a mouse or the keyboard to navigate menus and invoke options.
Pressing the Alt key displays/activates the menu bar, or just activates it
if you choose to display it always. See <Top lines>
You can have the Esc key (instead of Alt) display menus. See <CUSTOMIZE>
For mouse operations at menus, see <MOUSING AROUND>.
To add or drop items from menus, see <ADAPT FEATURES>.
To view different menus and highlight items, use Arrow and Alt keys.
Down Arrow Move to item below
Up Arrow Move to item above
Right Arrow Move from parent to submenu
Left Arrow Move from submenu to parent
Alt once Return to main menu bar, exits if there
Quick select items by pressing first letter. Ex. Alt F S for File Save.
Selecting an item either highlights or invokes it depending on type of item.
Each type can be distinguished by the symbol(s) beside the item name.
Menu item types
Parent Has a submenu
Action . Invoking brings immediate action, usually leaving menus
Text entry ... Invoking displays a Top line prompt, where you type text
Radio button ( ) Only one of group can be active (the one with the dot)
Check box [X] Many in group can be active, 'X' means active
Number entry : You type numeric value
[bracketed] Not available until you do something else (e.g. mark/box)
╞Non-profile Not in your profile, but available while 'All features on'
See <All features on>
To invoke items and/or exit menus See also <Quick select>
Spacebar Sets check box or radio button, does not exit menus
Enter Invokes action item, usually exits menu
On check box or radio button, accepts what's set, exits menu
Invokes text entry item following text entry
Invokes parent item, moves to submenu
On number entry item, begins entry mode - See <Number entry>
Esc Exit menus one level at a time, invoke settings when menus clear
On check box, radio button, or entry item, cancels single change
Alt twice Exit menus, invoke changed settings
Speed keys are listed on right side of menu. Use these when not in menus, to
bypass menus.
With parent item highlighted, submenu displays and is active. Quick select
by pressing first letter of submenu item, or press Enter or Right Arrow to
move highlight to submenu. Left Arrow (or Esc, if current item is
unchanged), returns to parent.
Number entry
Most numbers must be positive values. Items that allow negative ones show
'+/-'. Type a minus sign before negative number. When done typing number,
press Enter to complete. You can type a measurement unit, though it's not
necessary unless using a unit that's not the default. Pressing Enter again
exits and invokes all menu changes.
Cancel an item change before leaving menus by pressing Esc on that item.
This restores the old value.
Undo layout changes in one step with Alt L U L before leaving menus.
This cancels all changes made while in layout menu, restoring old values.
M=Merging combines data from an input file (e.g. names and addresses) with a
M=template document (e.g. form letter) to create a series of documents.
M=Use this operation to produce personalized letters, mailing labels,
M=invoices, or to fill in standard forms.
M=Merge Overview
M=1. Create the Input file. See <Input file>
M=2. Create the Template document. See <Template file>
M=3. Press Alt P M I (or Shf-F3 F9) in the Template document.
M=4. Type Input filename, press Enter.
M=5. Press A (or F10) to merge and print all data records. See <All records>
M=Alt P M S P (or Shf-F3 F3 F9) sets merged output to go directly to printer.
M=Alt P M S M (or Shf-F3 F3 F10) sets merged output to go to a file on disk.
M=You can edit the file, then print it as usual with Alt P (or F1 F7).
M=When you merge to an existing output file, you can choose to add next
M=records to the end of that file, or write over the existing file instead.
M=If you run out of room on the disk to which you're sending your output, you
M=can cancel merging or continue with a new output file location. You may just
M=specify another drive or directory on a hard disk, or insert and specify a
M=floppy disk with more room.
M=Alt P M S C (or Shf-F3 F3 F7) sets input file format to comma separated.
M=Alt P M S L (or Shf-F3 F3 F8) sets input file format to separate line.
M=For separate line format, specify the number of fields (lines) per record.
M=Comma separated format sets '0' fields per record. See <Input file>
M=One record
M=Before merging all records, it's helpful to print a sample record to check
M=that it prints as you expect it to.
M=1. Alt P M O T (or Shf-F3 F4) merges first record, displays it on screen.
M=2. Alt P M O P (or Shf-F3 F8) prints current merged record.
M=3. Alt P M O Q (or Shf-F3 F6) quits the trial merge, returns to document.
M=To merge several trial records, repeat steps 1 and 2 before doing step 3.
M=If you see 'Merging' on Status line, you've returned to your document before
M=quitting merge process. Press Alt P M O Q (or Shf-F3 F6) to quit.
M=All records
M=Alt P M A (or Shf-F3 F4) merges all records in input file.
M=Cancel the merge process by pressing Esc once it's started.
M=Input File contains information (records) to be merged with your letter,
M=form, or labels. Create an Input file with PC-Write or export one from a
M=data base program. PC-Write accepts 2 Input file formats:
M=Separate line Each field on a separate line
M=Comma-separated Each record on a line, each field separated by a comma
M=When creating an Input file:
M=* A field can be empty.
M= In separate line format, leave empty line.
M= In comma-separated format, leave extra comma.
M=* Every record must have same number of fields.
M=* The Input file can have any number of records.
M=* Maximum Input field length is 255 characters.
M=Template File is a formatted document that contains place holders to show
M=where fields from the Input file should go. Place holder is the field number
M=inside curly brackets, e.g. second field in a record is {2}.
M=Example Input file (comma-separated)
M=John Smith,"Accounts Receivable, Portland",235008
M=Susan Ho,"Marketing, Main Office",289445
M=Example Template File
M=│ To: {1}
M=│ Dept: {2}
M=│ The Personnel Dept. has assigned a new personnel number. Please use this
M=│ number on all memos. Your number is {3}.
M=└ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
M=Here is an Output document produced by merging the example Input
M=file above with the example Template file.
M=│ To: John Smith
M=│ Dept: Accounts Receivable, Portland
M=│ The Personnel Dept. has assigned a new personnel number. Please use this
M=│ number on all memos. Your number is 235008.
M=└ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
See PC-Write Reference Manual for merge tutorial and more sample merges.
Use a mouse to invoke items from pull-down menus, Top line, Help, Thesaurus,
Directory or Tutorial. Also select text, move cursor, scroll document, or
switch between windows. The Customizer does not respond to mouse actions.
When you open a file, the mouse pointer displays at top corner of screen. It
fades from view within 5 seconds if you're not using it. It reappears
immediately when you move the mouse.
To change fade timing and other mouse characteristics, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Key for below
L = left button
R = right button
L+R = both buttons
mid = middle button
double = left double-click
At pull-down menus
Menu bar displays always, by default, if you use a mouse. If it's not there,
see <Top lines>, to set it. If you don't want to display it always, just
click on 'Alt:menu' at left of Status line when you want to display it.
For description of item types mentioned below, see <Menu item types>.
L click on parent item, displays menu or submenu
invokes action item
turns radio button on
turns check box on/off
selects item for number or text entry
L drag and release acts like left click
double invokes action item, clears menus
on parent item, just clears menus
turns radio button on, clears menus
turns check box on/off, clears menus
R click when on unchanged item, moves to parent item
when on changed item, restores old value
Outside menus, while menus up
L click leaves menus, returns to editing
R click leaves menus, returns to editing
While editing
L click Moves cursor, retains marking/boxing (if any)
R click Moves cursor, clears marking/boxing (if any)
Shf-L Extend marking
Shf-R Extend boxing
L double Marks word
L drag Marks text
R drag Boxes text
L+R drag Scrolls
mid drag Scrolls
To swap button assignments for mark/box or keep/clear, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
V=Between windows
V=Clicking in other window goes to window, doing button action wanted.
V=Clicking on window bar goes to window, moves cursor to last place.
Help/tutorial windows
Clicking on window bar item invokes action.
Clicking on trigger item within window jumps to target topic.
T=Thesaurus window
T=Clicking on word highlights it. Clicking on window bar item invokes action.
Q-Breaking your document into pages can be done automatically, or manually -
Q-requiring you to press keys to update paging (repage). Both insert page
Q-breaks (Soft Breaks) whose position may adjust upon repage. You can also
Q-insert explicit (Hard) breaks, which do not shift position upon repage.
To change page number for a page, see <Set page number> below.
To establish page numbering, see <HEADERS & FOOTERS>.
Q-Page breaks display on non-printing line. In Hide mode, they display as
Q-dashed line, explicit breaks are double dashed. See <Hide/Show codes>.
To change look of page break lines, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Q-Automatic paging inserts and adjusts break lines as you edit document.
Q-Alt L P A (or Alt-F7 F3) turns auto-page on or off.
To set permanently, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Q-Manual paging adjusts break lines only when you ask for it. Repage entire
Q-document in one step, or stop to view and fine tune each one along the way.
Q-Alt L P D (or Alt-F7 F5) repages entire document (cursor can be anywhere).
Q=Alt L P B (or Alt-F7) displays options for repaging page By page:
Q= Press I (or F7) to adjust and view next break location. From there, either
Q= 1. Press I (or F7) again to accept break location and view next. OR:
Q= 2. Use S (or Shf-PgUp) to move page break up to shorten page. Then
Q= Use H (or F8) to make break explicit (Hard) so it never adjusts.
Q= Use L (or Shf-PgDn) after shortening, for moving break back down.
Q= Caution: Don't move break below original spot, or you get an extra break.
Q= Press F (or F6) instead of I (or F7) when on last page, to fill page with
Q= lines to end of file. This shows how much typing room is left. Or fill
Q= page to following Hard Break (cannot fill to Soft Break).
Q= Other available keystrokes for By page process are:
Q= U (or PgUp) Scrolls screen to view line above
Q= D (or PgDn) Scrolls screen to view line below
Q= P (or Ctl-PgUp) Jumps to prior break
Q= N (or Ctl-PgDn) Jumps to next break
Q-Inserting breaks
Q-Break a page at cursor. Break inserts above line containing cursor.
Q-Alt L P I H (or Alt-T) inserts Hard Break (does not adjust upon repage).
Q=Alt L P I S (or Shf-Alt-T) inserts Soft Break (may adjust upon repage).
To insert breaks for whole file in step by step process, see <By page>.
Q-Break lines (even Hard Breaks) do not end paragraphs, so text may reformat
Q-or justify around them. To prevent this, see <Break paragraph>.
Q-Removing breaks
Q-Alt L P R (or Alt-F7 F9) deletes all breaks in document.
Q=Set page number for current page, and increment following pages from here.
Q=Press Alt L P P to type in page number, then press Enter. Page numbers print
Q=only if you set them in a header or footer. See <HEADERS & FOOTERS>
Change the look or horizontal positioning of paragraphs when reformatted.
After setting changes, existing paragraphs are not affected until you
reformat them (unless you're using auto-reformat mode).
N-Indent reserves extra horizontal space between text and margin.
N-Place cursor anywhere in paragraph to begin indenting at start of paragraph.
N-Value set stays in effect until reset later in document. To set indent for
N-just one or a group of paragraphs, mark lines first. See <SELECTING TEXT>
N-Left side Alt L M I L
N-Right side Alt L M I R
N-First line Alt L M I F Positive or negative number, adds to left indent
N-To enter measurement other than default (inch), type unit after number.
See <Measurements>
N-Temporary indent
N-Use this quick indent for files without formatting (e.g. justification).
N-Printing justified text requires that you set permanent indents.
N-Ctl-[ sets left indent at cursor. Ctl-[, anywhere later, releases it.
N-Ctl-] sets left indent at cursor. Ctl-], anywhere later, releases it.
N-Ctl-\ sets left indent at cursor. Ctl-\, anywhere later, releases it.
N-Ruler line shading widens or narrows to reflect temporary indent location.
N-Status line displays temporary indent symbol at left of reformat status.
See <Status line>, <Ruler shading>
N=Floating indents are useful when typing paragraphs with similar indent type,
N=(indent vs. outdent) but different indent amount, such as for an outline.
N=To set these, use H or I in place of L in Ruler. See <Ruler line>
Shape defines format of paragraph text with respect to margins/indents.
Place cursor anywhere in paragraph to begin shape at start of paragraph.
Value set stays in effect until reset later in document. To set shape for
just one or a group of paragraphs, mark lines first. See <SELECTING TEXT>
N-Alt L M S R Ragged right : force text to left side
N-Alt L M S J Justify : spread text evenly to line up at left/right sides
N=Alt L M S C Center : position text along midline between left/right side
N=Alt L M S F Flush right : force text to right side
N=Alt L M S S Spring : expand soft spaces to force text to left/right sides
All shapes except Ragged may insert Soft Spaces to position text on screen.
Printing replaces Soft Spaces with finely tuned spacing (micro-spacing).
ASCII only shapes affect single line or marked lines. See <SELECTING TEXT>
Soft Spaces, which are non-ASCII characters, are not inserted for ASCII
shapes. Instead, normal spaces are inserted/deleted to position text. ASCII
shapes other than Ragged right print correctly only with fixed-width fonts.
N=Alt L M S A R (or Shf-Ctl-F8) Ragged right - See <Shape> for descriptions
N=Alt L M S A J (or Shf-Alt-F8) Justify
N-Alt L M S A C (or Shf-F8) Center
N=Alt L M S A F (or Ctl-F8) Flush right
N=Alt L M S A S (or Ctl-Alt-F8) Spring (adds spaces at cursor to force text)
N=Use ASCII Ragged to 'undo' other ASCII shapes, such as Center or Justify.
If you haven't divided your document into pages using the repage feature,
PC-Write will do it during printing. You can set pagebreaks manually if
you're not satisfied with where automatic pagebreaks fall. See <PAGINATION>
PC-Write does not reformat paragraphs or change margins when printing. You
set the appearance of your text while editing. See <FORMATTING>
To merge documents to the printer, see <MERGE PRINT>.
Printing from within PC-Write prints current document. You can also print
from opening menu or from DOS:
To get opening menu, type ED then Enter at DOS (do not type a filename).
From menu, press F7 and, at prompt, type in name of file to print.
To print from DOS, type ED filename/p. For more options, see <SHORTCUTS>.
Print a series of files with incremental filenames. See <Files in a series>
Before printing, be sure the setup options are set how you want them.
See <Setup printing>
Print all pages of document with Alt P A (or F1 F7 F10).
You can stop sending information to printer anytime midway by pressing Esc.
Many printers read ahead and save text in a buffer. For these printers,
pressing Esc won't stop printing until buffer is empty. Next press either:
Esc to stop immediately, even if mid-page (this may leave data in printer)
F9 to stop after finishing current page
F10 to continue printing (now that you've checked/corrected printer).
To assign a quick print key to print document in one step, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
P-To print one page, press Alt P R (or F1 F7 F9). Press Enter to print only
P-the page you're editing, e.g. from page 3 to page 3. You can change these
P-page numbers to print the page you want. After printing, this prompt
P-reappears, automatically set to print next page. You can press Enter to
P-print the next page, change page numbers first, or press Esc to return to
P-editing. If there is no page break in document at break point, first line of
P-page is highlighted temporarily to show where next page begins.
P-To print a range of pages, press Alt P R (or F1 F7 F9). Type the first page
P-to print, then F10 to type the final page. PC-Write supplies the number of
P-the last page in the file, making it easy to print to the end.
If PC-Write cannot send output to your printer, you get a message. Check to
be sure printer is on-line and shows no error lights, such as 'out of
paper'. Ready the printer and press F9 to continue print operation.
For further printer troubleshooting tips, see <PROBLEM SOLVING>.
P-Alt P V (or F1 F7 F3) shows a picture of your page (if you have a graphics
P-adapter). It's too small to read, but you see the margins, headers and other
P-layout. If it doesn't look right, you can fix it before printing.
P=Setup printing
P=Alt P S (or F1 F7) displays the setup submenu. From here, set number of
P=copies, printer feed method, output method, and print control file.
P=Press C (or F7) to set number of copies. Default is 1 copy.
P=3 printer feed methods are available:
P=T (or F4 F4) sets Tractor feed. Sheets are connected with perforated line.
P=B (or F4 F4) sets Bin/tray feed. Separate sheets, fed automatically.
P=S (or F4 F4) sets Single sheet feed. Each sheet is fed by hand.
P=If you switch from tractor feeding, you may need to change your document
P=margins and repage before printing. See <Changing paper feed>
P=Print to disk or different port by changing output setting:
P=F (or F8) displays prompt for output filename. 'PRN' is special name for
P=printer. After printing to a file, the output filename resets to 'PRN'.
To permanently change output filename, see PC-Write Wizard's Book.
P=Caution: if the output file already exists, printing overwrites it.
P=Use standard device name (eg. LPT2, COM2) to change port temporarily.
To permanently change port, modify printer setup. See <CUSTOMIZE>.
P=Set print control file by reading temporarily or linking permanently.
P=R (or F6) retains printer definitions until another is read or you exit.
P=L attaches printer definitions to current document permanently.
P=Definitions are specific to your printer. Bottom two lines of Setup pull-
P=down submenu show make and model currently set. See <Printer setup>
Printer setup
Pick one or more printers to use with PC-Write using the Customizer. Printer
Setup writes a print control file containing specific instructions for the
printer you pick. See <Print control file> below. See <CUSTOMIZE>
Print control file
Your print control file translates all formatting and font information in
your document to codes for your particular printer. Having the right print
control file for your printer is critical. Many formatting problems are
entirely due to using the wrong print control file. See <Printer setup>
The first time you print or do any formatting, such as reformat or repage,
PC-Write looks for the print control file PR.DEF. If it's not found, and you
haven't linked a different print control file, you're prompted to enter a
print control filename. If you have two printers, this lets you select the
one for the job.
If using more than one printer, before Printer setup decide whether you will
be using mainly one printer, or using both about equally.
If you have a main printer, be sure it is named PR.DEF, so that PC-Write
finds it when needed. Then give the alternate printer(s) a unique name(s),
such as LASER. You'll need to either Read or Link the alternate print
control file to use it. See <Set print control file>
If you use two printers equally, give them each unique names (not PR.DEF),
and Read or Link the appropriate control file.
To have PC-Write always ask which printer to use, name none of your print
control files PR.DEF, and don't Read or Link.
You need to reformat your document before printing with a second printer.
You may also need to change the font assignments, especially if one printer
supports separate size fonts and the other doesn't. See <FONTS>
For help with printer problems, see next topic: <PROBLEM SOLVING>.
Following are the most common problems encountered, and the usual solutions.
It's a good idea to try suggestions found here before calling Quicksoft for
technical assistance. See also <SUPPORT SERVICES>
Editing problems
1. Make sure the PC-Write program is all in one subdirectory or floppy disk,
and it is the default drive and subdirectory.
PC-Write may need to read a special file in order to do certain operations.
For example, spell checking requires reading the master dictionary,
WORDS.MAS. If PC-Write can't find a file it needs, a message displays to
tell you the name of the file not found. Usually the operation is cancelled
until you try again with the needed file on your disk, in your current
2. Try PC-Write without any memory resident software (any program loaded
into memory and active as you work with PC-Write). If you are on a network,
run PC-Write locally.
Memory resident software, network software, and the DOS APPEND command
sometimes interfere with the DOS PATH command. This may cause PC-Write (and
other programs) problems locating files.
To run a hardware system check, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
3. If you suspect damage to a PC-Write file, recopy file from the original
diskettes, or make a new work diskette using INSTALL with a new, blank,
formatted diskette. On a hard disk system, use a new subdirectory. If these
fail, try to run PC-Write from your original diskettes (not recommended in
the ordinary case). If PC-Write will not run from your original diskettes,
you may need a new set.
Printing problems
Printers have more problems than other parts of a computer system. If your
printer is not working with PC-Write, don't panic. See also <Printer setup>
If printer is not working or PC-Write tells you it can't print, check that:
1. Power is on. Try turning printer off and on.
2. Printer is activated (ON-LINE or SELECTED light is on).
3. Printer is not out of paper.
4. All plugs and cables are secure.
5. All switches on your printer are set according to manufacturer's
specifications. (Look in your printer manual.)
6. Printer is plugged into correct port of your computer. Most computers
have at least one parallel port and often one or more serial ports. They
sometimes look the same.
7. For a serial printer, you selected a serial port name when you setup the
printer upon Installation or using the Customizer.
Check the Printer Appendix of the PC-Write Reference Manual for information
about specific printers.
If it is printing, but the results are incorrect, check that:
1. You have the right print control file installed as PR.DEF (or as the
control file you've read or linked). The name of the printer supported by
the control file in use is displayed at bottom of Print Setup submenu. If it
isn't set up for your printer, run Customizer program to choose correct file
for your printer. Or, read or link correct control file if it's already
created. See <CUSTOMIZE>
2. If your serial printer loses blocks of text, you may need XON/XOFF
protocol. DOS does not normally use this protocol, but you can send output
directly instead. See output port control options in Printer setup menu in
the Customizer. See <CUSTOMIZE>
3. If you have an older, slow printer, it may lose blocks of text because it
can't accept data fast enough. To fix this, set a printing delay. Change
output port control in Printer setup menu in the Customizer. See <CUSTOMIZE>
4. If your printer has more than one emulation mode (it may emulate an IBM,
Epson, and so on), your print control file may not match the current
emulation. For instance, the Epson FX-85 has an Epson mode and an IBM mode.
When you run the Customizer to create PR.DEF, select the mode you want, and
set your printer switches accordingly.
6. If you print one page at a time, you may have to turn off the printer's
"out of paper" switch. Use an escape sequence (found in your printer manual)
or (the easy way) a piece of tape over the switch.
You may have a different problem: the printed pages are not centered
vertically on the paper; or worse, you get part of a page on one piece of
paper and part on the next piece, printing over the perforations. You need
to reset the printer's idea of where the top of the page is. To do this:
1. If you are not in the middle of printing, just move the paper in the
printer to the top of a page and turn the printer off and then on again.
2. Otherwise, push the printer's button that sets it off-line, push the
button that moves the paper to the assumed top of a page, advance the paper
in the printer forward to the actual top of a page, and push the on-line
If you use tractor-fed paper, do not place the paper in the printer up a
couple of lines, but position the paper at the very top with the printhead
just below the perforation. Or, you can set your top margin command to 0,
your bottom margin command to include both your top and bottom margins, and
position the printhead on the first line you want to print.
Changing paper feed
If you are feeding single sheets of paper or using a laser printer, printing
always starts somewhat below the very top of the page. PC-Write takes this
unprintable area into account when calculating page margins. However, when
you print with a tractor feeder, these unprintable margins may be different.
If you switch from tractor feeding, and have not set page margins, you may
need to repage.
If all else fails:
Print your file to another file, instead of to printer. See <PRINTING>
This file has everything normally sent to printer including escape sequences
and printer codes. Edit this processed file with PC-Write. You may see many
strange symbols along with your text. You may be able to print the processed
file successfully using the DOS PRINT command.
A=Record a series of keys to run later with a single keystroke called a macro.
A=Start recording with Alt A K R (or Alt-F3 F4, or Ctl-@).
A=The Status line shows RECORD. Press keys for steps you want to record.
A=End recording with Alt A K R (or Alt-F3 F4, or Ctl-@).
A=Playback sequence with Alt A K P (or Alt-F3 F3, or Grey*).
A=Playback repeatedly
A=Press a single key to repeat the macro over and over until the end of file.
A=You must first end recording with the repeat option:
A=Press Alt A K O (or Alt-F3 F3, or Grey*). Playback as usual. Cancel before
A=reaching end of file by pressing any key.
A=Assign key
A=After recording, assign the macro to any key you choose:
A=Press Alt A K A (or Alt-F3 F5). Press key to assign.
A=You can save the macro in ED.DEF or another control file you specify.
A=See <Control files>. Otherwise, the assignment cancels when you exit.
For a quick way to assign a phrase to a key, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
A=Unassign key
A=To cancel the macro assignment, press Alt A K U (or Alt-F3 F6).
A=This restores PC-Write default function for key you press.
A=Numbers mode
A=Press Alt A K N (or Ctl-^) to have keys pressed insert code number.
A=Press Ctl-^ to return to normal editing.
Choose whether to display formatting codes and top line information.
To permanently set defaults for these options and more, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
To preview page with references and formatting, see <Preview>.
To split screen into multiple windows, see <WINDOW OPERATIONS>.
To change screen colors or shades, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
V-Hide/Show codes
V-Guidelines and font characters can be hidden from view. Page breaks in Hide
V-mode are displayed as single dashed line for soft breaks, and double dashed
V-line for hard page breaks.
V-Hide codes Alt V H (or Alt-Spacebar)
V-Show codes Alt V S (or Alt-Spacebar)
Text off screen
Some documents may have text out of view past left or right screen edge.
A highlighted bar displays at screen edge on each line with text off screen.
Top lines
Choose which information lines to display at top of your screen.
These settings are temporary. To set modes permanently, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
Alt V T S turns Status line on/off. See <Status line>
Alt V T R turns Ruler line on/off. Shows tab stops, margins, indents, cursor
column position.
Alt V T M turns Menu bar on/off. Displays bar but not active until mouse or
Alt key is pressed.
Alt V T H turns Menu hints on/off. Displays one-line description in place of
Status line when menus are active. Use Shf-F1 while in menus to
turn hints on/off.
Status line
Many different status indicators display for quick reference while editing.
Letter case is often significant. See also <Top lines>
Example: Alt:menu Push Para+Se- R:F 87% 4/60, 1/3 Edit "work.doc"
Status indicators: Menu Key Edit Spell Font Memory Place File
Menu Menu bar key
Alt:menu Reminds you to press the Alt key for Menus.
Esc:menu Lets you know Esc key brings up Menus. See <CUSTOMIZE>
Top:menu Lets you know a different key has been assigned to this function.
(See PC-Write Wizard's book.)
Key Keyboard status
Over Overwrite mode
Push Pushright mode
OVER/PUSH Caps Lock mode
OveR/PusH Num Lock mode
Shf Next key will be Shifted
Ctl Next key will be Ctl'd
Alt Next key will be Alt'd
Edit Editing status: several can be active, most important one displays
Wrap- Wordwrap off, auto-reformat off, auto repage off
Wrap= Wordwrap off, auto-reformat off, auto repage on
Wrap+ Wordwrap on, auto-reformat off, auto repage off
Wrap# Wordwrap on, auto-reformat off, auto repage on
Para+ Wordwrap on, auto-reformat on, auto repage off
Para# Wordwrap on, auto-reformat on, auto repage on
ParA+ Auto-reformat forced on by A in Ruler
ParN- Reformat, wordwrap forced off by N in Ruler
ParU- Reformat, wordwrap forced off by customizing
Marking Marking mode, marking text at cursor
MARKED Marked mode, marked text is present somewhere in document
Boxing Boxing mode, marking rectangular area at cursor
BOXED Boxed mode, boxed text exists somewhere
Guide Cursor is on a Guide Line
Holding Marked text is in Hold Area after you switch files
Merging Merge mode, press Shf-F3 for menu
RECORD Recording all keystrokes, press Ctl-@ to stop recording
DECIMAL Decimal tab entry mode
ACCENT Next key is part of Accent pair
[,],\,√ Temporary indents in effect (displays to right of Push/Over)
Spell Spelling checker and search status
Se- Normal editing search on, auto spell check off
Se+ Normal editing search on, auto spell check on
Sp- Spell search on, auto spell check off
Sp+ Spell search on, auto spell check on
Font Typeface or font character
R:letter Current typeface set in a Guide line, Ex. R:F
r:letter Same as above, but in Hide mode, Ex. r:f
<char>a<letter> Cursor is on a font character, Ex. aB
<char>:<letter> Cursor is in area affected by embedded font character
n% Approximate percentage of memory still free for editing
Place Cursor location in document
n/n,n/n Line on page/total page lines, page number/total pages
File File save status
Edit File in memory needs to be saved
Read File in memory same as on disk, no changes made
EDIT or READ Read-only mode
edit or read File is locked on network
"filename" Name of the file you are editing
S-To Set Find and Replace text
S-1. Press Alt S S (or F9).
S-2. Insert text to find.
S-3. Press F10.
S-4. Insert text to replace the find text.
See <Wild cards>
S-To Search for Find text
S-Forward once Alt S N (or Grey+ or Ctl-L)
S-Backward once Alt S P (or Grey- or Ctl-O)
S-A space matches any number of spaces, fonts, and line ends.
S-Lower case letters match their upper case and accented versions.
S-Searching with Grey+ and Grey- (or Ctl-L and Ctl-O) doesn't always do a text
S-search. If you have done a spelling scan, these keys are setup for spell
S-check search instead. Pressing Alt S S (or F9) to set find text resets the
S-Grey key function to text search. See <Scan document>
To find and mark a matching pair of symbols, see <Match pair>.
To search for next non-ASCII character, see <Non-ASCII character>.
To jump to specific locations, see <GOING PLACES>.
S-To Replace text
S-Replace Once (forward) Alt S R O (or F10)
S=Replace All from cursor to end of file Alt S R A (or Alt-F10 F9)
S=Replace Everywhere in the file Alt S R E (or Alt-F10 F8)
S=Replace within Selected text Alt S R S (or Alt-F10 F7)
S=Unreplace once (undo prior replace) Alt S R U (or Alt-F10 F10)
S=Swap find and replace text Alt S R F (or Ctl-F10)
S-Wild cards
S=Current Find text F2
S=Marked text F3
S="Unwild" space, letter,
S=Alt-A/D/J/M/X/Z F4
S=Letter or number F5
S-Symbol or blank F6
S=Any character F7
S=Line boundary F8
S=The F4 wild card before a space or lower case letter makes it match exactly.
S=It's also needed to search for six font characters that are also wild cards.
E-Marking text
E-Marked operations
E=Boxing text
E-Select text in order to copy, move, or delete it. Perform an operation on a
E-restricted area of full lines (marked), or rectangular area (boxed).
E-Place cursor anywhere in text you want to mark.
E-Mark word Alt E S W (or Ctl-Alt-W)
E-Mark line Alt E S L (or Ctl-Alt-L)
E-Mark sentence Alt E S S (or Ctl-Alt-S)
E-Mark paragraph Alt E S P (or Ctl-Alt-P)
E-Mark document Alt E S D (or Ctl-F5)
E-Block marking
E-1. Mark start with Alt E S M (or F3). Status line shows MARKING.
E-2. Move cursor to highlight area. See <CURSOR MOVES> for quick keys.
E-3. Mark end with Alt E S M (or F3). Status line shows MARKED.
E-Extend marking
E-1. Press Alt E S M (or F4) to adjust highlight area to reach cursor.
E- Status changes from MARKED to MARKING.
E-2. Mark end with Alt E S M (or F3). Status line returns to MARKED.
E-Turn off marking
E-Press Alt E T (or F5) to unmark text and remove highlighting.
To mark using a mouse, see <MOUSING AROUND>.
To mark a rectangular area, see <BOXING TEXT>.
E-The following functions can be restricted to text in a marked area.
E-Copy text Alt E C (or F3) See <COPY/MOVE TEXT>
E-Move text Alt E M (or F6)
E-Delete text Alt E D (or F4) See <DELETING TEXT>
E=Switch case Alt E L S (or F8)
E=Upper case Alt E L U (or Alt-F8)
S=Global replace Alt S R S (or Alt-F10 F7) See <SEARCH & REPLACE>
N-Reformat text Alt L M R M (or F7) See <FORMATTING>
N=Break paragraph Alt L M R B See <Break paragraph>
N-Control reformat Alt L M R C N See <Control reformat>
N-Paragraph indent Alt L M I See <Indent>
N-Paragraph shape Alt L M S See <Shape>
N=ASCII ragged right Alt L M S A R (or Shf-Ctl-F8) See <ASCII only>
N-ASCII center Alt L M S A C (or Shf-F8) See <ASCII only>
N=ASCII flush Alt L M S A F (or Ctl-F8) See <ASCII only>
N=ASCII justify Alt L M S A J (or Shf-Alt-F8) See <ASCII only>
N=ASCII spring Alt L M S A S (or Ctl-Alt-F8) See <ASCII only>
N=Right slide Alt L M A R (or Shf-Ins) See <Sliding text>
N=Left slide Alt L M A L (or Shf-Del) See <Sliding text>
G-Font for letters Alt L F L See <FONTS>
G=Font for block Alt L F B See <FONTS>
R=Endnote entry Alt L R E See <FOOTNOTE & ENDNOTES>
R=Footnote entry Alt L R F
R=Comment line Alt L R I C See <INSERT>
T-Word count Alt T A W (or Alt-F4 F3) See <Word count>
E-With marked text present, an operation restricted to marked area will warn
E-you if marked text is off screen. This allows you to turn off marking before
E-proceeding. Other operations display a warning message if operation is not
E-limited to marked area.
E-Some menu operations that do not pertain to selected text are bracketed and
E-unavailable if you have selected text somewhere in your document. The Hint
E-line says 'Selected text present', to alert you to turn off marking/boxing
E-before proceeding.
E=Place cursor at any corner of rectangular area you want to select.
E=1. Start boxing with Alt E B B (or Ctl-F7). Status line shows BOXING.
E=2. Move cursor to diagonal opposite corner.
E=3. End boxing with Alt E B B (or Ctl-F7). Status line shows BOXED.
E=Extend boxing
E=1. Press Alt E B B (or F4) to change status from BOXED to BOXING.
E=2. Move cursor to adjust highlight area.
E=3. End boxing with Alt E B B (or Ctl-F7). Status line returns to BOXED.
E=Vertical box
E=Press Alt E B V (or Ctl-F5) to extend boxed area vertically to top and
E=bottom of entire document.
E=Turn off boxing
E=Press Alt E T (or F5) to unbox text and remove highlighting.
For operations on BOXED text, such as copy or move, see <BOX OPERATIONS>.
You can alter the amount of printed space between lines in two ways.
S-Change spacing multiple: extra printed blank lines at current line height.
S=Change line height: distance from base of character to base on line above.
S-Spacing multiple
S-Alt L S S sets single spacing: no added blank lines print between lines.
S-Alt L S D sets double spacing: one extra blank line prints between lines.
S-Alt L S T sets triple spacing: two extra blank lines print between lines.
For 1½ spacing, set single spacing and wide line height. See <Line height>
S-Double or triple spacing affects printed text only. Lines appear single
S-spaced on screen. 'Lines per page' counter displayed on Status line includes
S-only explicit text/blank lines in document; maximum 'total lines on page'
S-decreases to account for extra blank lines with double/triple spacing.
S-Extra lines printed have same line height as text.
You can change display spacing of lines on screen, which makes screen more
readable for some people. See <CUSTOMIZE>
S=Line height
S=Alt L S N sets narrow line height. Lines are spaced 8 per inch.
S=Alt L S R sets regular line height. Lines are spaced 6 per inch.
S=Alt L S W sets wide line height. Lines are spaced 4 per inch. (1½ spacing)
S=The 8, 6, and 4 values are correct only when single spacing is set.
Double spacing halves these values. Ex. narrow height prints 4 per inch.
S=More choices
S=You can fine tune line height for text and blank lines separately.
S=Changing blank line height is an effective way of setting inter-paragraph
S=spacing, when paragraphs are separated by one or more explicit blank lines.
S=Alt L S M T displays text line height options for your printer.
S=Alt L S M B displays blank line height options for your printer.
S=Options show how many lines print in an inch for each height.
T-Check for misspelled words using any of four ways:
T-1. Automatically check words as you type
T-2. Check word at cursor
T-3. Check and display 'Guess' list of possible corrections
T-4. Scan forward or backward for next or prior misspelled word
T-Spell check normally skips two-letter words, to speed up operation.
T-You can set it to check two-letter words. See <CUSTOMIZE>
T-Alt T S A (or Alt-F2 F7) turns auto spell check on or off.
T-PC-Write beeps after typing an unrecognized word.
To change beep tones, or add a visual beep indicator, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
T-The Status line displays a plus (+) after the 'Sp' On Off
T-or 'Se' status indicator when auto check is on, Sp+ Sp-
T-or a minus (-) when it's off. See <Status line> Se+ Se-
T-Check word
T-Alt T S C (or Alt-F2 F2) checks spelling of word at cursor. If the word is
T-unrecognized, a number of options display. See <'Unknown word' options>
T-Guess word
T-Alt T S G (or Alt-F2 F3) checks spelling of word at cursor and, if
T-word is unrecognized, displays a list of possible corrections. You can then
T-select a word and replace the one in your document by pressing F10, or see
T-more options by pressing Esc. See <'Unknown word' options>
T-Scan document
T-Alt T S N (or Alt-F2 Grey+) scans forward to next unrecognized word.
T-Alt T S P (or Alt-F2 Grey-) scans backward to prior unrecognized word.
T-When you have scanned once, then Grey+ or Grey- alone scan, without having
T-to display Alt-F2 menu. Grey keys continue as spelling search keys until a
T-regular edit search is requested; then Grey keys act as text search keys.
See <Searching with Grey+>
T-The Status line displays 'Sp' when Grey keys are Spell Text
T-set for spelling search, and 'Se' when set for Sp- Se-
T-regular text search. See <Status line> Sp+ Se+
T-'Unknown word' options
T-When a word is unrecognized, you are presented with several options:
T-Guess : Display a list of possible corrections. See <Guess word>
T=Add : Put this word in custom word list. See <Adding words>
T=Skip : Ignore this word, temporarily. See <Skipping words>
T-Scan : Leave word unchanged, and scan to next. See <Scan document>
T-Repeated words
T-If spelling scan finds a word that appears to be a repeat of the previous
T-word, you are presented with several options:
T-Edit : Return to document to make your own change.
T-Delete : Remove the duplicate word from your document.
T-Scan : Leave document unchanged, and continue scan.
T-Repeated words are found only when scanning forward.
T=Skipping words
T=When a word is unrecognized, you can choose to ignore all occurrences of
T=that word for the rest of the edit session. You can save the skipped words
T=in a file, so that they are automatically skipped each time you use
T=PC-Write. See <Saving words>
T=Adding words
T=When a word is unknown to the spell checker, you can put it in a custom word
T=list, so that it's recognized instead. The master word list is called
T=WORDS.MAS. The custom list is called WORDS.USE, and is created automatically
T=the first time you add an unrecognized word. Both word lists are read auto
T=matically when you check spelling. When you exit PC-Write, you can choose
T=whether or not to save your added words to WORDS.USE. See <Saving words>
You can create or edit WORDS.USE like any other file. The word list must be
alphabetical. (Use the DOS SORT command to sort it. See <SORT>.)
You can merge the words in WORDS.USE to WORDS.MAS with the WORDS program.
To do this, have WORDS.MAS, WORDS.USE, and WORDS.EXE on the default disk or
directory. Type:
WORDS <Enter>
and follow the instructions.
T=Catching words
T=Although you cannot remove words from the master word list, you can select
T=recognized words to be caught as misspelled by the spell checker.
T=Alt T S W (or Alt-F2 F4) prepares to put the word at cursor in a catch list.
T=F9 then confirms you want that word caught, or Esc cancels.
T=If spell scan finds a word in catch list, you can edit it or continue scan.
T=You can save the catch words in a file, so that they are automatically
T=caught each time you use PC-Write (see below).
T=Saving words
T=When exiting PC-Write, you're asked if you want to save words you've added,
T=skipped, or selected to catch in special files, so that these word lists and
T=their functions are remembered next time you use PC-Write. Words are saved
T=Look up the meaning of a word in your document, and replace it with one of
T=similar meaning (synonym). Multiple senses of a word are considered, and
T=different meanings and synonyms display for each.
T=Alt T M T (or Alt-F2 F5) looks up word at cursor. If found in thesaurus, a
T=window displays with word and senses shown at top, synonyms and meaning
T=shown at bottom. Highlight word you like, and press F10 to replace with it.
T=Senses are numbered, as is the corresponding meaning. Selecting a different
T=sense displays a new list of synonyms. You can also follow the sense or
T=synonym to find synonyms/senses/meanings of that word.
T=Thesaurus keystrokes
T=Left or Right Arrow highlights sense (upper area), or synonym (lower area).
T=Up and Down Arrow move between upper and lower areas.
T=F10 replaces word in document with word highlighted (can be sense or
T= synonym), returns to document.
T=F9 follows highlighted word to display its senses and synonyms.
T=F8 returns to display senses and synonyms of original word in document.
T=Esc returns to document, making no changes.
T=F1 displays this help screen.
To check spelling of words, see <SPELL CHECK>.
To look up meaning and synonyms of a word, see <THESAURUS>.
T-Word count
T-Alt T A W (or Alt-F4 F3) does count for entire document or selected text.
T-Counts number of bytes (file size), characters, letters, words, and average
T-number of letters per word.
To insert current date in your document, see <INSERT>.
To search for next non-ASCII character, see <Non-ASCII character>.
To search for next matching symbol pair, see <Match pair>.
T=Change, add or remove specific characters throughout entire document.
T=Alt T C T (or Alt-F5 F4) converts embedded tabs (character 9) to enough
T= spaces to position text at current tab stop locations
T=Alt T C S (or Alt-F5 F5) replaces leading spaces on a line with a single
T= tab character; other spaces between tab stops remain unchanged
T=Alt T C L (or Alt-F5 F6) adds carriage return to lines with only line feed
T=Alt T C E (or Alt-F5 F7) removes blank spaces at ends of lines
To convert documents automatically upon opening, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
For WordPerfect, DCA, or ASCII file conversions, see <CONVERTING FILES>.
To convert old PC-Write files, see <Import>.
To remove page breaks, see <Removing breaks>.
To remove extra spaces in a paragraph, reformat to ASCII ragged right shape.
See <ASCII only>
E-Deletion Alt E U D (or Ctl-F4) See <Undelete>
E=Box deletion Alt E B B then Alt E U D See <BOX OPERATIONS>
(or Ctl-F7 then Ctl-F4)
E-Text copy Alt E U C (or F4 F4) See <Undo copy>
E-Text move Alt E U M (or Shf-Ctl-End, F6) See <Undo move>
File changes Alt F U (or F1 F9 F6 F10) See <Undo changes>
Layout changes Alt L U L (before leaving menu) See <Undo layout changes>
V=Split screen horizontally to open up to ten different viewing windows. You
V=can display portions of the same file or different files, and mark and move
V=text between them. A Window bar containing window number and current
V=filename displays at top of each window. One window at a time is active,
V=indicated by the cursor and style of window bar. All cursor and editing keys
V=affect only that window, until you pick another to move to. The Status line
V=on top line applies to file in active window only.
To change window bar style, see <CUSTOMIZE>.
V=Open window : same file
V=1. Place cursor where you want to split the screen.
V=2. Press Alt V O S (or F2 F4). New Window bar displays.
V=3. Press PgUp or PgDn to move to window above or below bar.
V=Editing or scrolling the screen affects only the window you're in.
V=Open window : different file
V=1. Place cursor where you want to split the screen.
V=2. Press Alt V O N (or F2 F6).
V=4. Press PgUp or PgDn to move to window above or below bar.
V=3. Type the name of file to open in the new window, press Enter.
V=If later you want to keep the new window open but switch to yet another
V=file, you can either:
V=1. Split the current window again using the same procedure above, or
V=2. Press Alt F O (or F1 F6) to close the current file and open another.
V=See also <Zoom mode>
All shortcuts for switching files apply to switching between files in
separate windows, too. See <SHORTCUTS>
V=Pick another window
V=Alt V P U (or F2 PgUp) moves cursor one window above, making it active.
V=Alt V P D (or F2 PgDn) moves cursor one window below, making it active.
For maneuvering windows using a mouse, see <MOUSING AROUND>.
V=Grow window
V=Make your window larger using one of three ways:
V=1. Expand current window by closing another to make more room.
V=2. Display a single window by closing all others in one step.
V=3. Zoom current window to full screen size, hiding others from view.
V=Alt V G E (or F2 F2) makes more room for current window by closing another.
V=With just two windows displayed, this closes window you're not in.
V=With more than two windows, at prompt, press PgUp or PgDn to close window
V=directly above or below current one, or type number of window to close.
V=Single window
V=Alt V G S (or F2 F7) closes all other windows, leaving the current one open.
V=Zoom mode
V=Alt V G Z (or F2 F5) fills screen with current window. All other windows
V=remain open, but hidden from view. A window bar displays in the location of
V=each hidden window, allowing you to pick or close one. Picking another
V=window in zoom mode hides current window and fills screen with picked one.
V=You cannot split the screen in zoom mode.
V=To turn off zoom mode press Alt V G Z (or F2 F5) again.
V=Close window
V=Alt V G C (or F2 F3) closes current window. With just two windows displayed,
V=this fills the screen with the remaining window.
V=With more than two windows, at prompt, press PgUp or PgDn to move to window
V=directly above or below current one, or type number of window to go to.
V=Copy or Move text between windows : two windows in one file
V=1. Select text with Alt E S or Alt E B (or F3 or F6, or for box, Ctl-F7).
V= Be sure to end marking or boxing so status is MARKED or BOXED.
V=2. Pick and move to another window as described above (Alt V P or F2).
V=3. Position cursor at copy or move location.
V=4. Copy text with Alt E C (or F3), or
V= Move text Alt E M (or F6).
V=When you return to first window, moved text is no longer there.
V=Copy text between windows : two different files
V=1. Select text with Alt E S or Alt E B (or F3 or F6, or for box, Ctl-F7).
V=2. Pick and move to existing window as described above (Alt V P or F2), or
V= Open and move to a new window as described above (Alt V O N or F2 F6).
V=3. Marked text is in the hold area. Status line says Holding.
V=4. Position cursor at copy location.
V=5. Copy block with Alt E H T (or F3), or
V= Copy box with Alt E B B then Alt E H T (or Ctl-F7 then Ctl-F4).
V=When you return to first window, original copy is still there. To move text
V=between two files, first copy between files, then return to first file to
V=delete the original text. See also <Copying To a File>, <SELECTING TEXT>
List files in window
Alt F L (or F1 F8 Enter) fills window with directory listing. Scroll list
with PgUp or PgDn if not all files are in view. See also <List files>
If you need more help, Quicksoft has the following support services:
Unregistered Users: Our technical support group will help you with the
tutorial. If you need more help, you must register your copy of PC-Write.
Registered Users with Current Support: You can call for help with technical
questions. Have your PC-Write manual and printer manual (if you are having
printer problems) handy. Please have the following information available:
* Your registration number.
* Your PC-Write version number (Standard Level 2.0) and DOS version number.
* The type of hardware and peripherals you have.
* The name of any RAM-resident programs.
* The contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, if any.
Call 206-282-0452, 7am to 5pm Pacific time, except 12:45 - 3pm Wed & Thurs.